Quickest Way to Max Out Relationship with Gage? :: Fallout 4 …
Sep 29, 2017 · I noticed just the other day that Cait gets an affinity boost from talking to Sierra and not agreeing to help her, and that this can be repeated with no cooldown. I don't know if Gage has anything like that, though. He does also like you making weapon modifications, as I recall.
Porter Gage and good ending? :: Fallout 4 General Discussions
Feb 11, 2018 · If you are playing an evil character then keep and revere Gage. If you are killing the raiders 'cause you are against them, then Gage needs to donate all his blood to your cause. BTW, I don't have an empty park after Open Season. Scores of raiders, mutants and gunners are still duking it out every few blocks around the perimeter.
Porter Gage teleport commnad? :: Fallout 4 General Discussions
The first two ID numbers for DLC content are dependant on your load/install order. (Mine is 05, for example.) If you have the Vault Tec add-on, you can use the "population management"computer to track all companions on the
Porter gage affinity ?? :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam …
Dec 28, 2023 · Unfortunately for this case, Gage, Longfellow, and X6-88 are the three companions that do not have a dialogue option they like. There's 4 affinity cooldowns: 1st is immediate and has a cooldown of 0 2nd is short, and has a cooldown of 0.05 in-game days, or 1 hour and 12 minutes of in-game time. 3rd is Medium and has a cooldown of 2 in-game days.
[SOLVED] Nuka World : Force Recruit Porter Gage [Console …
Recruit Porter Gage (After Open Season) [type this commands from distance] xx00a5b1.removefromallfactions xx00a5b1.stopcombat xx00a5b1.addtofaction xx056ac4 1 ; DLC04_CompanionCrimeFaction_Gage xx00a5b1.addtofaction xx04b4d2 1 ; DLC04VendorCOMGageFaction xx00a5b1.addtofaction 1ec1b9 1 ; …
How to repeat Companion affinity dialogue? (Porter Gage) :: …
Nov 12, 2016 · Hello everyone! I was in the middle of a firefight in Nuka Galaxy, and Porter Gage wanted to talk to me (affinity dialogue). I said, later man, twice, in the span of 2 minutes. After firefight was over, Gage didn't want to give me the affinity dialogue ... What is the console code to REPEAT companion affinity dialogue? I know about "setav ca_affinity 500" but it doesn't make …
Keeping Gage After Finishing Open Season :: Fallout 4 General …
Sep 2, 2016 · So I want to keep Gage as a companion, but obviously he goes hostile if you choose to finish the 'Open Season' quest. I figured I could just kill him, finish the quest, and go back to resurrect him via console commands, but when I res him it crashes the game. Are there any optional methods? Maybe Sandman perk or dismissing him before the quest?
porter gage dialogue bug :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam …
May 1, 2022 · sorry to bring up this topic again. but i just had this bug in my playthrough where Gage tries to initiate a conversation with you during combat and it cancels themdialogue and then he becomes impossible to get his perk. imsaw an old thread that posted a fix, was to use console commands on him "setav CA_WantsToTalk 1" this command worked for me.
GOD MODE MAD GAGE NEED HELP!!! :: Fallout 4 General …
May 30, 2020 · Hey so i have a huge problem with porter gage. So i finished all raider quests, had like 9 raider outpost in the commonwealth. One day i sent porter gage to stairlight drive-in outpost and completelty forgot about him there. I went through with questline and then started Open Season and killed all the bandits. I started to clear out raider outposts one by one and make …
Porter Gage :: Fallout 4 General Discussions - Steam Community
Sep 22, 2016 · Unless he got sent to a settlement, his default hang-out is in Nuka-Town, under the bosses' lift. And if you've got the Vault-Tec Workshop DLC, you can always find companions with the management terminal (in case he's not back outside the Fizztop Grille).