Python.NET | pythonnet
Python.NET (pythonnet) is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with .NET Framework, .NET Core and Mono runtime on Windows, Linux and macOS. Python.NET provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET developers.
Python.NET documentation - GitHub Pages
Python.NET (pythonnet) is a package that gives Python programmers nearly seamless integration with the .NET 4.0+ Common Language Runtime (CLR) on Windows and Mono runtime on Linux and OSX. Python.NET provides a powerful application scripting tool for .NET developers.
Embedding Python into .NET - Python.NET documentation
At a very high level, to embed Python in your application one will need to: Reference Python.Runtime.dll (e.g. via a PackageReference) Call PythonEngine.Initialize() to initialize Python. Call var mod = PyModule.Import(name) to import a module as mod
Python Reference - Python.NET documentation - GitHub Pages
Python Reference¶ Runtime loading and configuration¶ Python.NET runtime loading and configuration. pythonnet. get_runtime_info → RuntimeInfo | None ¶ Retrieve information on the configured runtime. pythonnet. load (runtime: Runtime | str | None = None, ** params: str) → None ¶ Load Python.NET in the specified runtime. The same ...
Embedding .NET into Python - Python.NET documentation
Python.NET allows you to use any non-private classes, structs, interfaces, enums or delegates from Python. To create an instance of a managed class, you use the standard instantiation syntax, passing a set of arguments that match one of its public constructors:
C# Reference - Python.NET documentation - GitHub Pages
Execute a Python ast and return the result as a PyObject, and convert the result to a Managed Object of given type. The ast can be either an expression or stmts. PyObject Eval (string code, PyDict? locals = null) ¶ Evaluate a Python expression and return the result as a PyObject. T? Eval < T > (string code, PyDict? locals = null) Evaluate a ...
Codecs - Python.NET documentation - GitHub Pages
An incomplete list of Python types, that are converted between Python and .NET automatically: most numeric types, bool, string, Nullable<T> to its Value or None and back, etc. A custom conversion (Codec) can be defined by implementing one of the (or both) interfaces: Python.Runtime.IPyObjectDecoder to marshal Python objects to .NET
Index - clr-loader documentation - GitHub Pages
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Usage - clr-loader documentation - GitHub Pages
The assembly instance can now be used to get a wrapper instance of the Test function in Python. The given parameters are the fully qualified class name and the function name. Alternatively, a single parameter can be provided, and we assume that the last “component” is the function name. These are equivalent:
Python Module Index - clr-loader documentation - GitHub Pages
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