All Products and Platforms | Chipsets and SoCs | Qualcomm
Qualcomm’s product catalog includes integrated processors, chipsets, SoCs, and SDKs: everything you need to build cutting-edge devices and applications with best-in-class …
latest re-engineered Qualcomm® Hexagon™ processor that features a fused AI-accelerator architecture to bring astonishing performance at low power. Improvements to our Qualcomm® …
Tight integration on a single SoC further enhanced with AI, brings added potential to reduce BOM, while delivering great levels of performance. Designed to deliver enhanced comfort in headset …
The Qualcomm® CC302x/Qualcomm® QCC303x/Qualcomm® QCC304x/Qualcomm® QCC305x/Qualcomm® QCC307x/Qualcomm® QCC308x SoC series is a family of flash …
Product Listings: Platforms, Chipsets and SoCs for Smartphones
List of Qualcomm processors, platforms, and chipsets for smartphone applications, including Snapdragon processors.
CSRA631215 are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Programmable entry-level flash audio SoCs designed for optimizing Bluetooth headset and …
Snapdragon Ride ADAS Tech for Smart Cars - Qualcomm
Learn about how Snapdragon Ride improves automated driving and connected cars and how we're improving our tech with new driving features.
Qualcomm Launches New, AI-Enabled Highly Integrated SoCs and …
Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd., a subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated (NASDAQ: QCOM), today launched the new Qualcomm® QCS400 SoC series. In these SoCs, …
Low-power Bluetooth® audio SoCs optimized for compact, feature-rich stereo headphones, headsets, and speakers. The Qualcomm® QCC30xx SoC series is a family of flash …
Networking Devices that use Qualcomm Chipsets, SoCs, and …
Browse a select listing of different networking products (gateways, access points, etc) that use Qualcomm chipsets or SoCs.