Farming for Warmaiden | Raid Forum - Plarium
Mar 29, 2019 · i just did 20 trys on level 1, easy. cost me around 80 energy but i was able to get one copy of her. i dont know if stage 1 has better rng but i have been trying stage 6 at least 400 times and have gotten nothing. so this may be the answer. thank you raid king for your info, after thousands of energy wasted.... i got her. i did minize the screen on my pc so i didnt watch the …
Campaign Farming Calculator | Raid Forum - Plarium
Silver/Run : how many Silver you'll be rewarder for each run (taking Raid boost into accounts if revelant) Champions : the number of champ' in your rooster; XP/RUN : XP the stage deliver. XP Bonused are taking your XP boosts and Raid Boost into accounts. XP / Champ is the total you can expect for each champions that is not currently max level.
Able to Farm Dragon 16, Struggling to get to 20 | Raid Forum
Mar 22, 2022 · I can farm Dragon 16 with a 100% success rate. This is my lineup: i. i. i. i. i. i. I am stuck on dragon 18 in my quest to get to stage 20 and start farming to get better gear for the arena. My biggest problem is I can't get through the waves. I have a 6* Scyl but she is not fully ascended, geared, or booked yet.
Farming potions | Raid Forum
Sep 20, 2024 · Join Raid discussion and read about Farming potions on the Forum. Share your experiences, log in now!
Best old raid to farm for gold? - General Discussion - World of ...
Dec 23, 2021 · There really aren’t anymore efficient raids to farm gold, there are specific boes which can drop from raids can be costly but even getting those is a long shot. Twiggz-bloodhoof December 23, 2021, 4:47pm
Leveling up - Experience Farming | Raid Forum - Plarium
Nov 24, 2020 · Join Raid discussion and read about Leveling up - Experience Farming on the Forum. Share your experiences, log in now!
Brutal vs NM Campaign | Raid Forum - Plarium
Feb 19, 2023 · Honestly, if I were at a point where I could consistently farm 12-3 Nightmare in less than 30 seconds with a farmer and 3 chickens I wouldn't bother farming in campaign anyway. For a long time, I did Nightmare 12-3 with Ignatius as my solo farmer.
Why farm 12-3? | Raid Forum - Plarium
Mar 4, 2022 · Shields sell for more silver. Shields on level 3 of any campaing chapter. 6 is a bit more experience. So it makes a difference if you need more silver/experience.
Potion drop rate DOES go higher in higher stages. | Raid Forum
If anyone that is farm higher stages than 13 and have seen drops of 5+ greater potions or 3+ superior potions, PLEASE join in and let us know if those exist. This will give us big hopes of sniping good drops and at least gives us some peace of mind, while we waiting on some drop rates changes or RNG serves us a good day at the keeps.
What are the most worthwhile dungeons/raids to farm transmogs?
Jan 16, 2020 · Basically if anyone can tell me a list of good places to start farming transmogs in terms of normal dungeons/old raids and places i can start farming after i build up my inventory a bit i would very much appreciate it.I know theres a ton of videos out there and generally posts with stuff like this but a lot of them arent as good today as they were then from what im seeing.So …