Rammstein World - Lyrics and translations
Rammstein is well-known for its unusual texts, written masterfully by Till Lindemann. The lyrics and translations are to be discovered here!
Rammstein Lyrics - Affenknecht
This is a list of all Rammstein songs with links to their lyrics with English translations.
Rammstein Lyrics
Rammstein lyrics - 107 song lyrics sorted by album, including "Du Hast", "Sonne", "Engel".
Rammstein Lyrics - Genius
Rammstein Lyrics: Rammstein / Ein Mensch brennt / Rammstein / Fleischgeruch in der Luft / Rammstein / Ein Kind stirbt / Rammstein / Die Sonne scheint / Rammstein / Ein Flammenmeer …
Rammstein lyrics with translations
Rammstein lyrics with translations: Du hast, Mein Herz brennt, Sonne (Extended Version), Ich will, Deutschland, Zeit, Rein raus
Eifersucht (English Translation) – Rammstein | Genius Lyrics
Aug 25, 1997 · Rammstein - Eifersucht (English Translation) Lyrics: If I am more beautiful, cut my face / If I'm stronger, break my neck and be a coward / If I'm smarter, kill me and eat my brains...
Moskau (English Translation) – Rammstein | Genius Lyrics
Rammstein - Moskau (English Translation) Lyrics: This song is about the most beautiful city in the world, Moscow! / This city is a prostitute / She has red spots on her forehead /...