What Is the Rapture? See What the Bible Says.
First, He will come for believers, both living and dead, in the “rapture” (read 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17). In this view, the rapture—which is the transformation and catching up of all Christians, dead or alive, to meet Christ in the air—will be secret, for it will be unknown to the world of unbelievers at the time of its happening.
What is the rapture? - Bibleinfo.com
The meaning or definition of the rapture is the idea that the coming of Jesus will take place in two separate stages. (Please note: the following paragraph cannot be supported from the Bible). The first will be a secret rapture—or carrying away of the saved to heaven—at the beginning of a seven-year period of tribulation, during which the ...
Rapture - Bibleinfo.com
Rapture. Jesus promised His disciples He would come again. John 14:1-3 (NKJV), “Let not your heart be ...
What is the Rapture? | Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
What is the Rapture? “The dead in Christ will rise first.After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, NIV).
Are You Ready for Christ's Return? Wisdom from Billy Graham
The Bible warns us against making precise predictions about the exact time of Jesus’ return—but His return is certain, and we may well be living in the last days before He comes again.
With faith in Christ, we need not fear the end of the world
I want to assure you that the world’s future is firmly in God’s hands, and the world as we know it will only pass away when God intervenes to bring it to an end.
Signs of the End of the World? Answers from the Graham Family
May 22, 2020 · Google searches for “end times” and “rapture” are spiking as news watchers try to interpret the ...
Can People Really Predict the End of the World?
“A few weeks ago, a friend gave me a book in which the author tells exactly when Jesus is going to return (and he claims it's not far away). He says t
Why Bother Preparing for the Future? - Billy Graham Evangelistic ...
Q: If we are living in the last days and the world is going to come to an end before long (as I believe), then why should we bother having children or saving money for our retirement?
When Jesus comes again, will everyone know that He is the divine …
Jesus came the first time in obscurity; when He comes again, however, He will come in glory. The Bible says, “Look, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him” (Revelation 1:7).