Rhizoctonia solani - Wikipedia
Rhizoctonia solani is a species of fungus in the order Cantharellales. Basidiocarps (fruit bodies) are thin, effused, and web-like, but the fungus is more typically encountered in its anamorphic state, as hyphae and sclerotia .
Rhizoctonia solani - British Society for Plant Pathology
May 28, 2017 · Rhizoctonia solani, the most important species within the genus Rhizoctonia, is a soilborne plant pathogen with considerable diversity in cultural morphology, host range and aggressiveness.
Rhizoctonia solani - Plant & Pest Diagnostics
Symptoms: Rhizoctonia causes a variety of symptoms including damping off, stem lesions, stem rot, root rot, crown rot, and aerial web blighting. Infection causes wilting, stunting and possibly plant death.
Decoding Rhizoctonia spp. in-depth genomic analysis, …
5 days ago · Overview of genomic characteristics of Rhizoctonia spp.. Genomic studies on Rhizoctonia species, particularly R. solani, have provided valuable insights into the biological complexity, pathogenicity, and adaptability of these fungal pathogens.Advances in sequencing technologies have enabled detailed genomic analyses across different AGs of R. solani, …
Frontiers | Rhizoctonia solani Kühn Pathophysiology: Status and ...
May 2, 2022 · Sheath blight caused by necrotrophic fungus Rhizoctonia solani Kühn is one of the most serious diseases of rice. Use of high yielding semi dwarf cultivars with dense planting and high dose of nitrogenous fertilizers accentuates the incidence of sheath blight in rice.
Rhizoctonia solani - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Rhizoctonia solani is a soil-born necrotroph from the kingdom Fungi's domain Eukarya (Ajayi-Oyetunde and Bradley 2018). Septate hyphae, multi-nucleate cells, and brown pigmentation are all features of R. solani. Based on hyphal incompatibility and host specificity, isolates are divided into 12 anastomosis groups (Anderson 1982).
Rhizoctonia solani - University of Hawaiʻi
These Rhizoctonia solani-like fungi are saprophytic, do not cause disease, and feed on dead organic matter. Following invasion of the host by Rhizoctonia solani, sexual spores are formed on specialized structures called basidia. Four spores are produced on each basidium.
Turfgrass Diseases: Brown Patch (Causal Fungus: Rhizoctonia solani)
Apr 9, 2024 · Brown patch is a major summer foliar disease of golf courses, athletic fields, home lawns, parks, and institutional grounds, caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani.
The evolution and pathogenic mechanisms of the rice sheath …
Jan 29, 2013 · Rhizoctonia solani is a major fungal pathogen of rice (Oryza sativa L.) that causes great yield losses in all rice-growing regions of the world.
Rhizoctonia solani - Fungi - Diseases - Cyclamen
Rhizoctonia solani, a form of rot which attacks many plants, can spread rapidly at temperatures below 20ºC (68ºF). It is found in the upper layers of the soil, where it can remain for years on end. It attacks the plant at collar level, progressing to the tuber and the root system.
Aug 2, 2017 · Rhizoctonia solani, the most important species within the genus Rhizoctonia, is a soilborne plant pathogen with con-siderable diversity in cultural morphology, host range and aggressiveness. Despite its history as a destructive pathogen of economically important crops worldwide, our understanding of its taxonomic relationship with other ...
Strategies to Manage Rice Sheath Blight: Lessons from Interactions ...
Rhizoctonia solani is an important phytopathogenic fungus with a wide host range and worldwide distribution. The anastomosis group AG1 IA of R. solani has been identified as the predominant causal agent of rice sheath blight, one of the most devastating diseases of crop plants.
Rhizoctonia solani Kühn Pathophysiology: Status and Prospects …
May 22, 2022 · Rhizoctonia solani is a seed- and soil-borne pathogen, which survives through sclerotia and mycelia in infected seeds or soil in tropical environments.
Rhizoctonia Canker and Black Scurf of Potato | Cornell Vegetables
Rhizoctonia solani isa fungus that attacks tubers, underground stems, and stolons of potato plants. Although it probably occurs wherever potatoes are grown, it causes economically significant damage only in cool, wet soils.
Rhizoctonia solani - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Jan 13, 2011 · Rhizoctonia solani is a fungal species complex, including pathogens and nonpathogens, important to forestry and agriculture (Sneh et al., 1991; Nagaraj et al., 2017). It causes a variety of symptoms and diseases (e.g., root, crown, and stem rot; damping-off; and wilting) in numerous economically important crops ( Anderson, 1982 ; Ogoshi, 1987 ...
Crop Protection Network
Aug 18, 2023 · Rhizoctonia solani causes a seedling disease of cotton. Symptoms caused by R. solani, such as seed rot, preemergence damping-off, and postemergence damping-off with sunken lesions on the hypocotyl (often referred to as sore shin), can be challenging to distinguish from those caused by other pathogens.
First Report of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-1 Causing Root and
4 days ago · The hyphae were multinucleate, containing four to nine nuclei per cell. After 15 days, some isolates produced dark brown sclerotia. Based on these morphological characteristics, isolates were tentatively identified as Rhizoctonia solani Kühn (Parmeter, 1970). To confirm the anastomosis group (AG), two isolates (RsHg4 and RsHg8) were selected ...
Virulence, distribution and diversity of Rhizoctonia solani from …
Mar 11, 2011 · Rhizoctonia root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani Kühn is a widespread and important disease problem on many crops (Führer Ithurrart et al., 2004). Rhizoctonia solani can cause disease on at least ...
Rhizoctonia Blight (Brown Patch, Large Patch, Yellow Patch)
There are three types of Rhizoctonia blight: large patch, a blight of warm-season grasses that is caused by Rhizoctonia solani; brown patch, a blight of cool-season grasses that is also caused by R. solani; and yellow patch, a blight of annual and Kentucky bluegrass caused by R. cerealis. When weather conditions are not favorable for disease development, both species can survive …
Rhizoctonia Life Cycle - Root Rot Task Force
Rhizoctonia solani has a decomposer or saprophytic phase and a parasitic phase and can be active in both simultaneously. Previous crop stubble is a food source and host for the decomposer (saprophytic) phase, allowing the fungus to survive year-round.
Penthiopyrad applied in close proximity to Rhizoctonia solani …
Jul 1, 2016 · Penthiopyrad at all rates and azoxystrobin provided protection against Rhizoctonia solani when applied in close proximity of the root zone and the pathogen. The relative effects of disease severity in all fungicide treatments were not significantly different from the …
First Report of Rhizoctonia solani AG 2-1 Causing Root and Bulb …
5 days ago · The hyphae were multinucleate, containing four to nine nuclei per cell. After 15 days, some isolates produced dark brown sclerotia. Based on these morphological characteristics, isolates were tentatively identified as Rhizoctonia solani Kühn (Parmeter, 1970). To confirm the anastomosis group (AG), two isolates (RsHg4 and RsHg8) were selected ...
Biocontrol of Potato Black Scurf by Trichoderma atroviride …
2 days ago · Trichoderma atroviride SN-T.at016 exhibits the dual effects of antagonism and mycoparasitism with Rhizoctonia solani AG-3, the causal agent of potato black scurf. ABSTRACT Potato black scurf, as a soilborne disease, is a persistent problem in potato production regions worldwide and is difficult to control in production.
Full article: Effects of catechol on growth, antioxidant enzyme ...
Mar 2, 2018 · Rhizoctonia solani AG-1 IA is one of the most important fungal pathogens that causes severe yield losses in rice-growing regions worldwide. Catechol (1, 2-benzenediol) is a natural catecholamine which can induce melanization of fungi and contribute to enhanced virulence and fungal resistance to diverse environments.
Biological Activity of Four Trichoderma Species Confers Protection ...
Apr 27, 2023 · Rhizoctonia solani-induced cucumber damping-off and root rot are the most common diseases reported from the commercial greenhouses of the eastern area of Saudi Arabia. The objective of the current study is to explore the antagonistic activity of four Trichoderma species against R. solani in vitro and in vivo.