Model 360 - Rickenbacker
Model 360 This guitar broke all the rules of traditional styling when it appeared amid the ‘British’ sound of the 1960’s. Subtly updated through the years, this Deluxe hollow body with its special contour around the entire body perimeter, is still perhaps the most comfortable guitar of all.
Model 360/12C63 - Rickenbacker
Complete with double-bound body, trapeze tailpiece, and unique Rickenbacker 12-string headstock, the 360/12C63 is true to the 1963 version in every aspect— down to the shading on the Fireglo finish.
Guitars Archive - Rickenbacker
Created to exact original specifications of the world’s most popular 12-string electric guitar, the 360/12C63 is an accurate replica of the model George Harrison made so famous.
Series 300 Archives - Rickenbacker
Model 360/12 The world’s most popular twelve string electric guitar boasts all of the deluxe features of its Model 360 cousin. A standard for recording for more than thirty years, its haunting, melodic chorus has continued to benefit from evolution.
Model 660 - Rickenbacker
Rickenbacker’s trademark “checkered” black and white binding set off the body, while white binding graces the neck. The 660 is electronically engineered to the exacting standards of the vintage reissue series, complete with Rickenbacker’s own vintage reissue-type pickups.
Legacy - Rickenbacker
Rickenbacker introduced the hollow body 4-string 4005 and 6-string 4005-6 basses in the late 1960s. Several custom-ordered 8-string basses were also produced. In the 1970s, Rickenbacker added guitars with detachable necks and redesigned single- and double-coil pickups.
Serial number decoder - Rickenbacker
Rickenbacker serial numbers have been issued in a number of formats. Below, you will find some images that will hopefully help you to locate the complete serial number on your instrument. Current decoder release: V1.0.5
6-String Archives - Rickenbacker
Model 360 This guitar broke all the rules of traditional styling when it appeared amid the ‘British’ sound of the 1960’s. Subtly updated through the years, this Deluxe hollow body with its special contour around the entire body perimeter, is still perhaps the most comfortable guitar of all.
Most Rickenbacker six and twelve string guitars come with separate volume and tone control knobs for the bass and treble pickups. In addition, each guitar has a three position pickup selector which allows instantaneous selection of the bass pickup, the treble pickup, or a tonal blend using both pickups. When the pickup selector is com-
C Series Archives - Rickenbacker
Created to exact original specifications of the world’s most popular 12-string electric guitar, the 360/12C63 is an accurate replica of the model George Harrison made so famous.