Model 330 - Rickenbacker
Model 330 Careful acoustic research has resulted in the full, rich and warm sound of this popular model. Two single coil pickups on a full size body are accented by a traditionally shaped …
Guitars Archive - Rickenbacker
Model 330 Careful acoustic research has resulted in the full, rich and warm sound of this popular model. Two single coil pickups on a full size body are accented by a traditionally shaped …
Model 360 - Rickenbacker
Model 360 This guitar broke all the rules of traditional styling when it appeared amid the ‘British’ sound of the 1960’s. Subtly updated through the years, this Deluxe hollow body with its special …
Model Identification - Rickenbacker
Identifying your Rickenbacker. The Rickenbacker identification tool was created to help people identify what model Rickenbacker they own. While we have tried to be as comprehensive as …
Series 300 Archives - Rickenbacker
Model 330/12 Basically the same as Model 330 but with twelve strings. It utilizes an innovative headstock design that incorporates both a slotted-style peghead and a solid peghead, thereby …
Model 360/12 - Rickenbacker
The world’s most popular twelve string electric guitar boasts all of the deluxe features of its Model 360 cousin. A standard for recording for more than thirty years, its haunting, melodic chorus …
Factory - Rickenbacker
Premiere Guitars’s Charles Saufley is On Location in Santa Ana, California, where he visits the Rickenbacker Guitars factory and headquarters. In this segment, Rickenbacker’s …
Model 620 - Rickenbacker
The Model 620 features the famous ‘Cresting Wave’ Maple cutaway body based on an innovative design from the 1950’s. A Rosewood fingerboard is punctuated beautifully with triangular …
Legacy - Rickenbacker
Rickenbacker introduced the hollow body 4-string 4005 and 6-string 4005-6 basses in the late 1960s. Several custom-ordered 8-string basses were also produced. In the 1970s, …
Model 1993PLUS - Rickenbacker
Pete Townshend asked us to reprise and update his beloved Model 1993 guitar and we were only too happy to oblige. The result is the 1993Plus, enhanced with a 1/8 inch (3.1 mm) wider neck, …