Software: Rig Manager & Editor for iOS, macOS &Windows
KEMPER Rig Manager™ is an editor and librarian application for iOS, macOS and Windows *. It also allows you to preview and manage your collection of PROFILER™ Rigs and Performances. You can tag content with keywords, assemble Performances by drag and drop and fine-tune your Rigs while your PROFILER is not in front of you.
Rig Manager - Kemper Amps
Rig Manager is your one-stop solution to manage the content within your PROFILER™. Create backups of your Rig library for safety, or to move finished projects to an archive. Create backups for safety reasons as well as to store away finished projects. Import new Rigs and Performances from third parties by simply dragging those onto Rig ...
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Rig Manager: Unprecedented full remote app control of the Player on every relevant computer platform: Mac, PC, Android tablet, Android phone, Kindle Fire, Apple iPad, Apple iPhone. Extended Rig management and access to 20.000 user-generated Rigs …
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News - Kemper Amps
Plus, I use MainStage like a mixing console. The laptop provides the playback and the Kemper is added as a monophonic input while Reverb and Delays are added from Sends. It would take some time to adjust these sounds if I would be using the Kemper only. But I see great advancements since the Rig Manager can now be used as an editor.
Backup Operating system of Profiler from Rig Manager
Aug 16, 2020 · It would be great to be able to backup the Operating system of Profiler directly from the Rig Manager.
Probleme mit Rig Manager 1.5 - Kemper Profiler Forum
Sep 29, 2015 · Hi Leute und liebe Grüße aus Thessaloniki.. Hier mein Problem bei dem Ich nicht weiß ob es sich um einen Bug handelt oder einfach nur meine Unfähigkeit im Bezug auf Programme und PCs generell.Hab´das alles schon im englisch-sprachigen Forum gefragt aber…
Kemper Amps
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News - Kemper Amps
Starting with the clean, compressor and flanger infused tele sounds from the three policemen to the abrasive transistor amp tones of the "solitaire" riffing beast, who died much too soon by a crazy fan’s gun.