Surviving within SCP-3008 (The Infinite IKEA)? [closed]
Jun 25, 2020 · My question is, if a group of people were trapped within SCP-3008, what would be the optimal way to survive safely? For the uninformed, here are the facts: it is an IKEA. The …
vision - What would absolute nothingness look like?
Feb 25, 2021 · Absolute nothingness is, by definition, colorless and transparent. In an area of nothingness, there is the absence of anything to emit any light (or anything else) and the …
biology - Evolutionary advantage of a venom compound that …
May 3, 2024 · That way, it doesn't matter how long it takes for the hialutabu to take effect; inevitably the animal will have a seed in it when it collapses and that seed will then use its …
How much damage would a cupful of neutron star matter do to …
Apr 19, 2019 · UPDATES: good news from the SCP Foundation. Further analyses indicate that is unlikely for SCP-261 to materialize a cupful of neutronium. SCP-261 has only ever supplied …
If magic is real, can it be true that rational scientific thought ...
Mar 31, 2015 · $\begingroup$ (For some reason I cannot add an answer, even though I have enough reputation.) I just wanted to drop two quick ideas that I haven't seen in the existing …
How to make a 2D image which kills people who see it?
Aug 6, 2015 · $\begingroup$ Ugh. Snow Crash was a mess and a half. Its whole plot hinged on important "facts" about three fields--linguistics, religious history, and computer programming- …
Historical or mythological Monster Hunter organization
Sep 30, 2018 · Finding real organizations based on the hunting of monsters and other supernatural beings would be difficult as most of these "hunts" would be temporary events …
weapons - What would it be like to use a vibro-blade
Jun 7, 2016 · Vibro. Consider the powered hand held jigsaw. This is a vibro-blade in all but name and high impact use. It has a short serrated blade that's rapidly vibrated to give its cutting action.
What would happen if the oxygen levels decreased by 15 percent?
Feb 11, 2016 · Google "hypoxic air technology for fire prevention" for a lot of pertinent information. If some oxygen in air at normal pressure is replaced by nitrogen, one effect is that fires …
internal consistency - How to safely check if you are immortal ...
Oct 6, 2017 · Start with the simple stuff. Well, you have written a list of rules and most of them are non-fatal if tested. So you can start with the simple and "safe" stuff, and then move down the list.