Hippolytus of Rome - Wikipedia
Hippolytus of Rome (/ həˈpɑːlɪtəs / hi-PAH-lit-əs, Ancient Greek: Ἱππόλυτος; Romanized: Hippólytos, c. 170 – c. 235 AD) was a Bishop of Rome and one of the most important …
Saint Hippolytus of Rome | Early Christian Leader, Antipope
Saint Hippolytus of Rome (born c. 170—died c. 235, Sardinia; Western feast day August 13, Eastern feast day January 30) was a Christian martyr who was also the first antipope …
The Antipope Who Became a Saint - Catholic Answers
Aug 13, 2014 · Hippolytus is accorded special recognition in Church history: Not only is he the first antipope but he is also the only antipope ever canonized! His unique case provides an …
Hippolytus was a presbyter of the Church of Rome at the beginning of the third century. There is no difficulty in admitting that he could have been a disciple of St. Irenæus either in Rome or …
St. Hippolytus - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
Martyr of Rome, with Concordia and other companions, he is a controversial figure who censured Pope St. Callistus I. Hippolytus was slain in Sardinia where he had been exiled for being …
Hippolytus of Rome - New World Encyclopedia
Saint Hippolytus of Rome (died 235 C.E.), sometimes called Ypolitus (Ippolito (Italian)) was one of the most prolific writers of the early Church. He was born in the second half of the second …
St. Hippolytus of Rome - Catholic Faith and Reason
St. Hippolytus of Rome (about 170-236 A.D.) The Fathers of the Church spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, defended the Church in apologetic writing and fought the many heresies of the …
Saint Hippolytus of Rome - Catholic Saint | Saint for a Minute: …
Saint Hippolytus of Rome, also known as Hippolytus of Porto or Ippolito, was a third-century imperial Roman soldier who was assigned to guard Christian prisoners. It was through his …
St. Hippolytus of Rome - Crossroads Initiative
Jul 2, 2019 · The most prolific Roman Church Father of the third century, St. Hippolytus wrote in an age when the Church of Rome was still Greek in language and culture. He was, in fact, the …
Hippolytus Of Rome - Catholic Saints Day
Saint Hippolytus of Rome, who lived in the 3rd century AD, was a rigorist bishop and a renowned writer. He is often regarded as the most significant theologian and prolific religious scholar of …