Neighborhoods & Council Districts - Seattle.gov
Updated in 2023 after Redistricting, Neighborhood Snapshots include census-related neighborhood boundaries, Seattle City Council Districts, socio-economic and demographic data, most-spoken languages, and sub-neighborhoods.
Find Your Council District - CityClerk - Seattle.gov
Use the City Council's Find Your District and Councilmember search page to find the currently-serving district-based Councilmembers. Find your congressional, legislative, county council and city council voting districts at King County's Find My Districts .
List of neighborhoods in Seattle - Wikipedia
The city of Seattle, Washington, contains many districts and neighborhoods. The city's former mayor Greg Nickels has described it as "a city of neighborhoods". [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] Early European settlers established widely scattered settlements on the surrounding hills, which grew into neighborhoods and autonomous towns.
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
Neighborhoods & Council Districts Learn about neighborhoods and political representation within Seattle’s seven City Council Districts. Seattle Services Overview For new people or long-time residents, discover discounts, workshops, and more.
Every Seattle Neighborhood, in a Nutshell | Seattle Met
Apr 8, 2020 · Boundary Issues: Divisions are based on Seattle Met ’s in-house neighborhood map. Northwest Seattle’s sleepy enclave crescendos between Carkeek Park and Aurora. Highway-adjacent renters enjoy the quick trip to the park. Park-adjacent homeowners enjoy ignoring the highway.
Seattle City Council Districts
Represents the seven districts for Seattle City Councilmembers. This layer reflects the district boundaries adopted by the Seattle Redistricting Commission in November 2022.
Seattle City Council Districts - ArcGIS
Dec 14, 2022 · Represents the seven districts for Seattle City Councilmembers. This layer reflects the district boundaries adopted by the Seattle Redistricting Commission in November 2022.
Learn about Seattle’s new City Council District boundaries
Apr 10, 2023 · The City of Seattle is updating the boundaries of its seven City Council Districts to give each district approximately the same number of residents and balance representation in city government. This means that some Seattle residents may be shifting to a different district.
Seattle Redistricting Commission adopts final City Council District …
Nov 8, 2022 · The new Seattle District Council Map includes changes to all seven City Council electoral districts with the boundaries of Districts 1, 2, 5, and 6 expanded to increase their populations and the boundaries of Districts 3, 4, and 7 contracted to decrease their populations.
Neighborhood Map Atlas Neighborhoods - ArcGIS
They roll up to the district areas. Neighborhood map atlas neighborhood areas are derived from the Seattle City Clerk's Office Neighborhood Map Atlas. These are the smallest areas and have been supplemented with alternate names from other sources.
- Some results have been removed