words - What is the origin of "shul"? - Mi Yodeya
Jul 30, 2011 · This is just a guess, but in Hebrew a 'shul' is called a 'Beit Keneset' (a house of gathering). My guess is that in the old times, the place of gathering is where Jews would pray and teach. Even today, many shuls double as a beit midrash. (house of teaching) Secondly, the word school itself, didn't always mean a place of learning. It also meant ...
pregnancy birth - Woman attending shul after childbirth - Mi Yodeya
Shaalos U'Tshuvos Bzail HaChocmo Chelek 6 Siman 78 "It is a Minhag from the Kadmonim that a lady does not go anywhere after giving birth, prior to going to the Shul as a Zecher for the Korban that was brought after a lady gave birth".
tefilla - The blessing for not talking in shul - Mi Yodeya
Jun 10, 2015 · This is somewhat similar to the famous Mi Sheberach for those who don't speak during prayers, compiled by the Tosafot YomTov after it was revealed to him in a dream that the ת"ח ות"ט crusader pogroms were a punishment for talking in shul. It is meant to be said after the Torah reading on Shabbat. It says:
Changeable page number sign for shul - Mi Yodeya
Feb 25, 2018 · In the shul (synagogue) I went to growing up, and in other shuls I've been to, they had a device for displaying the current page number. It was a wall-mounted box with three windows, behind each of which was shown one digit. You could change each digit independently by turning a wheel at the bottom of the device.
Is it acceptable for a Gentile to attend a service at a Synagogue ...
It's a matter of how you act and follow observed laws and customs. Ask ahead of time, and write it down. Make sure to dress conservatively if you are not told how- long dress/skirt, long sleeves. It is best if someone comes with you from a shul that you want to attend. Best ask before hand.
halacha - Is woman's yoga (exercise) in shul ok? - Mi Yodeya
Jan 26, 2025 · One honours a shul by keeping it clean and well lit. One may not kiss [even] little kids in shul, as it's inappropriate to show love for anybody but Hashem, when in shul. In 14:1 the Kitzur discusses eating in a shul. אָסוּר לֶאֱכֹל אוֹ לִשְׁתֹּת אוֹ לִישֹׁן בָּהֶם אֲפִלּוּ שְׁנַת עֲרַאי.
product recommendation - Shul Donations Kiosk - Mi Yodeya
Nov 29, 2017 · Note that with the prevalence of mobile technology, you might be well served by a mobile donation system. We are planning this for our shul in Israel leveraging Hapoalim's bitpay and Leumi's Pepper Pay. The US equivalent would be Venmo or Paypal.
Can a Woman be a Shul President? How about a member of …
Modern poskim have different approaches to the issue (first four are from R Jachter's article) addressing both shul presidents and members of the Knesset. R Moshe Feinstein writes that although many Rishonim disagree with the Rambam, the Rambam's view should be followed in practice. He explains that since it is a matter of dispute (over a ...
Can one cross-country ski to shul on Shabbat? - Mi Yodeya
Aug 14, 2015 · Assume that there is an eruv between one's home and shul. Can one cross country ski to shul on Shabbat? Possible concerns: Making marks (tracks) in the snow with the skis and poles. Is this any melacha that may be prohibited? Related to this M.Y. question - This is strenuous exercise that is not for refu'ah and it is not for the purpose of ...
synagogue - Why is there a Mezuzah in Shul - Mi Yodeya
Dec 16, 2011 · "Shul" is a somewhat vague term, but in most instances it refers to a Beis Medrash. This is especially emphasized by the fact that we have no problems eating (think "Kiddush") in Shul. Anyways, it so happens to be that my Shul does not have a Mezuzah, because it is in fact a Beis Hakenesses.