Sign Language • ASL | HandSpeak®
What is Sign Language? Sign language is a natural, full-fledged language in visual-spatial modality. It has all the features of linguistics from phonology and morphology to syntax as found in spoken language.
Learn Sign language and Deaf Culture • HandSpeak®
Browse topics, tutorials, lessons, and tips that sign language students and language enthusiasts can explore or learn some sign language and Deaf culture, including history, technology, literature, and art.
100+ First ASL signs - handspeak.com
Learn the most used Ameri Sign Language vocabulary for your ASL classes from ASL 101 beginners to 301 advanced and Deaf culture studies.
How to learn sign language the best way - handspeak.com
Tips on learning immersion in sign language. Understand the benefits of no voice policy in sign language classroom. Learning strategies in classroom. Where can one take a ASL course? How to find them? Signing right-handed or left-handed, which?
Phonology: the smallest units of sign language - handspeak.com
In sign language linguistics, phonology inspects five parameters or sets of primes, the smallest units of signed language.
AND in sign language - handspeak.com
Signs for AND and some variations in sign language (ASL) in the ASL dictionary app.
LANGUAGE • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
How to sign "language" in American Sign Language (ASL) comes in two common forms. Definition: The communication system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and feelings to each other. Pronunciation (sign description): Both "L" hands with tips of thumbs in contact, palms facing roughly out/down, both hand draw apart sideways.
BE • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
Signs for BE and some variations in sign language (ASL) in the ASL dictionary app.
ALPHABET, ALPHABETICAL • ASL Dictionary - handspeak.com
ALPHABET in sign language. This 'alphabet' word entry in the ASL dictionary shows you 1) how to sign the English word "alphabet" in ASL, 2) how to fingerspell the alphabet down below with a few resource links, 3) how a child develops the handshapes for the ABCs. ASL signs for 'alphabet'
Spanish Sign Language (SSL) - handspeak.com
Spanish Sign Language ("Lengua de signos o señas española" or LSE) is a sign language used mainly by Deaf people and Deaf community members in Spain. Spanish Council of Ministers, on the proposal from the Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality and the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports, has agreed on June 13, 2014 to set the ...