Bounce Rate - Similarweb Knowledge Center
Bounce Rate can reflect how well a site is doing at retaining its visitors. An abnormally high bounce rate is generally an indication that people are leaving a website, and aren’t willing to stick around to explore. Use this metric to understand as a gauge for engaged visits.
Bounce Rate: What Is It & How To Benchmark It? | Similarweb
Dec 1, 2021 · Similarweb analytics reveal that visitors arriving through email and referral are least likely to bounce while traffic from display ads or social media produces the highest bounce rate. Use these benchmarks for an overall evaluation.
Top Websites Ranking - Most Visited Websites in January 2025 - Similarweb
Feb 1, 2025 · On average, visitors remain on-site for 00:08:38 minutes and 34.26% of those visits bounce after viewing just one page. In addition, the average website pages viewed per visit is 12.57. Number five on our list is x.com, a top Computers Electronics and Technology > Social Media Networks website.
Bounce Rate - Total (Desktop & Mobile) - Similarweb API
Discover bounce rate metrics with data from the Similarweb API. Enhance your website's performance by analyzing user engagement trends. Enter now!
Performance Metrics – Similarweb Knowledge Center
Performance Highlights show a high-level overview of our core Traffic and Engagement metrics - Total Visits, Unique Visits, Visit Duration, and Bounce Rate. Use this tool to quickly see trends for these metrics over the last 12 months and Year-over …
Websites Dataset (Traffic and Engagement) - Similarweb API
Returns the average visit duration on the given domain (in seconds). Returns the bounce rate for the given domain. Returns the average number of individuals who visited across desktop and mobile. Returns unique desktop/mobile visitors. Returns the desktop/mobile web traffic share split.
View Website Performance – Similarweb Knowledge Center
Bounce Rate: Percentage of visitors who enter a site and then leave after visiting only one page. Additional engagement metrics: Use the Visits Over Time graph to view traffic data trends at granular levels: daily, weekly, and monthly.
Engagement Metrics to Benchmark | Similarweb
Jul 8, 2021 · Bounce Rate – this is sometimes called the ‘exit rate’ and is the percentage of visitors to your site who left without interacting. It counts all visitors who leave your website from the same page they entered without taking action, like clicking a CTA or watching a video.
Bounce Rate by Marketing Channel - Desktop - Similarweb API
Explore bounce rate by desktop traffic channels with data from the Similarweb API. Optimize your digital strategy based on bounce data. Enter now!
So Similarweb and HypeAuditor are proud to deliver a series of benchmarks across seven core industries in the US for marketers to contextualize their performance, set goals and find opportunities in 2024. And what does the report tell us overall for marketers?
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