Slovakia – EU country profile - European Union
May 1, 2004 · Find out more about Slovakia‘s political system, economy and trade figures, its representation in the different EU institutions, and EU funding it receives.
Slovakia - Wikipedia
Slovakia is a member of the European Union, the Eurozone, the Schengen Area, the United Nations, NATO, CERN, the OECD, the WTO, the Council of Europe, the Visegrád Group, and the OSCE. Slovakia is also home to eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
Current list of all 27 European Union countries - Countries of the …
Jan 1, 1995 · The newest list of the European Union member states and the dates of their accession in EU.
Foreign relations of Slovakia - Wikipedia
The Slovak Republic has been a member of European Union since 2004. Slovakia has been an active participant in U.S.- and NATO-led military actions. There is a joint Czech-Slovak peacekeeping force in Kosovo. After the September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attack on the United States, the government opened its airspace to coalition planes.
Home | Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the EU …
Feb 26, 2025 · Stále zastúpenie Slovenskej republiky pri Európskej únii zohráva ústrednú rolu v komunikácii medzi Slovenskom a európskymi inštitúciami. Jeho úlohou je čo najefektívnejšie obhajovať a presadzovať slovenské pozície a pripravovať pravidelné zasadnutia ministrov a zasadnutia hláv štátov, alebo vlád – summity EÚ... viac o poslaní stáleho zastúpenia.
Slovakia country profile - BBC News
Jun 5, 2024 · 2004 - Slovakia admitted to Nato and is one of 10 new states to join the EU. 2005 - Slovakia joins European Exchange Rate Mechanism, a significant step on the way to membership of the eurozone...
Slowakei – EU-Mitgliedsländerprofil | Europäische Union
Erfahren Sie mehr über das politisches System der Slowakei, ihre Wirtschaft und ihre Handelszahlen, die Vertretung der Slowakei in den verschiedenen Organen der EU sowie die EU-Mittel, die das Land erhält.
Slovensko – profil krajiny EÚ | Európska únia - European Union
Slovensko má HDP na obyvateľa vo výške 27 400 EUR, čo je pod priemerom EÚ (37 600 EUR). Predstavuje 0,7 % celkového HDP EÚ. (Zdroj: Eurostat - údaje o HDP na obyvateľa a HDP) (Zdroj: Eurostat – údaje o vývoze a dovoze) V Rade Európskej únie sa pravidelne stretávajú národní ministri, aby prijímali právne predpisy a koordinovali politiky EÚ.
Slovakia in the EU – success story or problem case? - EUROPP
May 29, 2024 · Slovakia was one of ten states that joined the European Union on 1 May 2004. To mark the 20th anniversary of Slovakia’s accession, Karen Henderson assesses whether the country should be regarded as a success story or a problem case …
Slovakia and the European Union - Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Despite a decade and a half of European Union (EU) membership, Slovakia remains caught between the two competing pressures: one of corruption and the other of the rule of law.