Soham murders - Wikipedia
The Soham murders were a double child murder committed in Soham, Cambridgeshire, England, on 4 August 2002.
Soham murders: Ian Huntley's press interviews alerted police
Aug 4, 2022 · Twenty years ago a community was ripped apart when Soham murderer Ian Huntley brutally killed schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman. The hunt for their killer …
Soham murders: What happened to Holly and Jessica and where …
Today, August 4, marks 20 years since schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman went missing after they left a family barbecue to buy sweets. Best friends Holly and Jessica were …
Soham murders 20 years on - what happened to killer Ian …
Aug 4, 2022 · Today marks 20 years since schoolgirls Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells vanished from a family barbecue and later turned up dead. The 10-year-old friends left the …
The Soham Murders - Forensic Tales
At approximately 12:30 p.m., on August 17, a man by the name of Keith Pryer discovered the bodies of Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman, lying side-by-side in a five-foot-deep ditch, in a …
The Soham murders: Two decades on | Crime+Investigation UK
Soham is a small town and civil parish located in the east of the university city Cambridge, in the United Kingdom. In 2002, this quiet community would be rocked by the disappearance of two …
Ian Huntley now: What happened to Soham murderer of Holly …
Jun 25, 2024 · Using trial transcripts and reconstructions, viewers will learn about the strategies involved in convicting the man found guilty of killing the two girls, Ian Huntley, and his …
The Soham Murders: Where Are Holly & Jessica's Families Now? - Bustle
Mar 10, 2022 · Two decades ago, 10-year-old schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were murdered by their school caretaker Ian Huntley. The killer’s girlfriend, Maxine Carr, who was …
The Soham Murders Trial — The Disappearance of Holly Wells and …
Two lovely 10 years old British girls, Jessica Chapman and Holly Wells, were murdered by Ian Huntley, a caretaker at their school. His girlfriend, Maxine Carr, lied to give him an alibi.
BBC NEWS | UK | Huntley guilty of Soham murders
Dec 17, 2003 · Ian Huntley has been found guilty of the murders of Soham schoolgirls Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman and given two life sentences. As the verdicts came in, it emerged …