'at' or 'in' sophomore year - WordReference Forums
Dec 24, 2018 · What is he attempting to do? He is attempting to "complete his sophomore year", and become a junior next year. Almost all students do this (complete their sophomore year) the first time. But a few students take more than 4 years to graduate. So I would use "at". This his second attempt at (completing his) sophomore year. The "at" sentence ...
freshman, sophomore, senior | WordReference Forums
Feb 15, 2007 · I attended a three-year high school, so I started as a sophomore. The previous year, I was a ninth-grader (at a different school), not a freshman. And for your trivia du jour, the word sophomore comes from the Greek words meaning wisdom and foolishness (having the cognates sophisticated and moronic), because a second-year student thinks he is ...
freshman, sophomore and after? | WordReference Forums
Sep 26, 2008 · As far as I know, in places such as some high schools that have a 3-year program the word "sophomore" is dropped out of the list. The three years become freshman, junior, and senior. I can't ever see someone in their last year of school at an institution being called a junior, even if that program is only 3 years long.
Is sophomore a formal word? - WordReference Forums
Nov 25, 2018 · Welcome to the forum, sk8erchan. "Sophomore" is fine. It is not a formal word. In the US, we use the same 4 words for the 4 years of high school. So "10th grade" is your "sophomore year" and you are a "sophomore", just as
Freshman, sophomore, junior, senior | WordReference Forums
Aug 27, 2013 · Freshman - A student in the 1st year of High School/College Sophomore - A student in the 2nd year of High School/College Junior - A student in the 3rd year of High School/College Senior - A student in the 4th year of High School/College What if it is a 5 or 6 year program? What do you call a...
sophomore - WordReference Forums
Jan 7, 2016 · The American sophomore at high school is roughly around Year 10 (Australia), Year 11 (England/Wales), S4 (Scotland) or Secondary 4 (Singapore/Hong Kong). Last edited: Jan 8, 2016 sdgraham
freshman, sophomore - WordReference Forums
Sep 8, 2008 · First year: Freshman Second year: Sophomore Third year: Junior Fourth year: Senior Donc si l'histoire porte sur l'école secondaire, freshman et sophomore sont des élèves en 9ème et 10ème année respectivement
Freshman, sophomore, junior, senior VS first, second, third, fourth …
Nov 3, 2022 · But 'freshman' is on its way out of fashion (or perhaps it's already out of fashion), at least in American colleges and universities. The gender-linked -man ending is annoying. The new term is 'first-year student.' 'First-year' is also used as a noun: "I have three first-years, two sophomores, and a junior in my Math 430 class."
She was my T.A. sophomore year. | WordReference Forums
May 14, 2009 · Yes, you have the meaning. We would usually say "my sophomore year", I think. Omitting the preposition, however, is quite colloquial and common. Added: I guess I would usually add "my", but Panjandrum wouldn't.
high school+freshman+sophomore+junior+senior
Sep 29, 2004 · In Mexico, preparatoria only includes the last 3 years (equivalent to sophomore, junior and senior). There are, however, no names for those 3 years like "sophomore, junior or senior;" they are called either 1st, 2nd or 3rd years of preparatoria, or sometimes 4th, 5th and 6th years, which alludes to numbering the 3 years of secundaria (middle school) as 1, 2 and 3.