Spirit Breaker - Dota 2 Wiki
Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home.
Spirit Breaker/Guide - Dota 2 Wiki
Spirit Breaker's abilities allow him to keep stunning a single target, controlling them during long teamfights. Due to the massive speed boost Spirit Breaker receives while charging, he can catch up to a team fight quickly, even from across the map.
Spirit Breaker - Dota 2 Вики
Team Spirit Breaker — герой был временно переименован в обновлении от 30 октября 2023 в честь победы команды Team Spirit на The International 2023. На Латинском языке, «Barathrum» означает «потусторонний».
Spirit Breaker - Dota 2 Wiki
O Spirit Breaker foca a sua visão em uma unidade inimiga e começa uma investida através de todos os objetos. Unidades inimigas atravessadas serão atingidas por uma Grande Pancada. Se a unidade-alvo morrer, o Spirit Breaker alterará o seu alvo para a …
Spirit Breaker/Changelogs - Dota 2 Wiki
Spirit Breaker fixes his sight on a target, immediately starting to charge towards it through all objects at a certain speed. Any enemy unit which he gets in contact with during the charge gets hit by his current level of Greater Bash.
Spirit Breaker/Sounds - Dota 2 Wiki
Link ️ Cast sound plays twice on Spirit Breaker upon cast. Once as a local sound with 100% volume audible to everyone and once global at 50% volume audible to allies only. Link ️ Target sound plays on the target upon getting stunned. Move sound play on Spirit Breaker while charging whenever he moves his arm with his weapon forwards.
裂魂人 - Dota 2 Wiki,刀塔百科
Assuming a gank is successful, Spirit Breaker can use the Urn of Shadows to heal without returning to the fountain. The bonus mana regeneration also allows him the ability to use 暗影冲刺 far more frequently.
Spirit Breaker/Guia - Dota 2 Wiki
Observações: O talento de armadura não beneficia ilusões.; O talento de visão noturna não ultrapassa nenhuma redução de visão.; Este talento de dano de ataque é adicionado como dano de ataque bruto, então não beneficia ilusões e não é afetado pela maioria dos efeitos de redução ou aumento de dano baseado em porcentagem.; O talento de vida aumenta a capacidade …
Реплики Spirit Breaker — Dota 2 Вики
️ Spirit Breaker. ️ Я раздавлю их своей железной волей. ️ Я сломлю их дух и хребты. ️ Эта форма подойдёт. ️ О-хо-хо, да! На сей раз дело в шляпе, друзья мои. Шанс 15% ️ Клянусь рогами: дело...
Spirit Breaker/Lore - Dota 2 Wiki
Barathrum the Spirit Breaker is a lordly and powerful being, a fierce and elemental intelligence which chose to plane-shift into the world of matter to take part in events with repercussions in the elemental realm that is his home.