Angel and demon - Celestial Beings, Spirits, & Mythology | Britannica
Feb 26, 2025 · Like angels, demons are regarded as spiritual, noncorporeal beings, but they have been depicted in religious iconography as hybrid creatures with horrifying characteristics or as caricatures of idols of an opposing religion.
Angel and demon | Definition, Nature, Types, & Facts | Britannica
Feb 26, 2025 · Angels and demons are, respectively, any benevolent or malevolent spiritual beings that mediate between the transcendent and temporal realms. They are among various spiritual beings, powers, and principles that mediate between the realm of the sacred or holy and the profane realm of time, space, and cause and effect.
Angel and demon - Varieties, Religions, World | Britannica
Feb 26, 2025 · Over against the bounteous immortals, who helped to link the spiritual and material worlds together, was the counterpart of the Holy Spirit, namely Angra Mainyu, the Evil Spirit, who later became the great adversary Ahriman (the prototype of the Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Satan), and the daevas, who were most likely gods of early Indo ...
Spiritualism | Religion, Beliefs, Practices, & History | Britannica
Feb 22, 2025 · Modern spiritualists point to the ancient accounts of spirit contact in the Bible: the visit of Saul, the king of Israel, to the so-called witch of Endor, in the course of which the late prophet Samuel appeared (I Samuel 28), and the story of the Transfiguration, in which Moses and Elijah appeared to three of Jesus’ Apostles (Matthew 17, Mark 9).
Materialization | occultism | Britannica
…of mediumship, especially the occasional materialization of spirit entities. Many who participated in psychic research hoped for positive results and occasionally concluded that they had proved the existence of clairvoyance or established the reality of spirit contact.
Angel and demon - Celestial, Noncelestial, Cosmos | Britannica
Feb 26, 2025 · The celestial realm, generally composed of seven heavens or spheres dominated by the seven then-known planets, was the realm of the divine and the spiritual. The subterrestrial realm was the area of chaos and the spiritual powers of darkness.
Soul | Religion, Philosophy & Nature of Being | Britannica
Feb 25, 2025 · The Egyptian ka (breath) survived death but remained near the body, while the spiritual ba proceeded to the region of the dead. The Chinese distinguished between a lower, sensitive soul, which disappears with death, and a rational principle, the hun, which survives the grave and is the object of ancestor worship.
Supernaturalism | Beliefs, Practices & History | Britannica
Jan 24, 2025 · supernaturalism, a belief in an otherworldly realm or reality that, in one way or another, is commonly associated with all forms of religion.. Evidence of neither the idea of nature nor the experience of a purely natural realm is found among primitive people, who inhabit a wonderworld charged with the sacred power (or mana), spirits, and deities. . Primitive man …
Yemonja | Yoruban Goddess of Rivers & Seas | Britannica
According to the itans (stories) of the Yoruba, the orisha Yemonja was a primordial spiritual entity who was charged by Olofi (God; also known as Olodumare) to assist the orisha Obatala with the formation of humans in Olofi’s creation of Earth.
Foreknowledge | Gnosticism | Britannica
Among those spiritual entities is a perfect human named Adamas—a divine prototype of the earthly Adam of Genesis. Adamas is united with a consort, Perfect Knowledge ( gnosis ). The teaching thus provides a mythic account of