Louis IX of France - Wikipedia
Louis IX (25 April 1214 – 25 August 1270), also known as Saint Louis, was King of France from 1226 until his death in 1270. He is widely recognized as the most distinguished of the Direct Capetians. Following the death of his father, Louis VIII, he was crowned in Reims at the age of 12.
St. Louis of France Catholic Church - La Puente, CA
St. Louis of France Catholic Church was founded in 1955. It is located in the San Gabriel Valley in the City of La Puente. Mass and Confession are offered in English and Spanish.
St. Louis King of France - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
St. Louis, King of France, patron of Tertiaries, was the ninth of his name. He was born at Poissy, France, in 1214. His father was Louis VIII, and his mother was Blanche, daughter of Alfonso VIII of Castille, surnamed the Conqueror.
Louis IX | King of France, Crusader, Saint | Britannica
Louis IX (born April 25, 1214, Poissy, France—died August 25, 1270, near Tunis [now in Tunisia]; canonized August 11, 1297, feast day August 25) was the king of France from 1226 to 1270, the most popular of the Capetian monarchs. He led the Seventh Crusade to the Holy Land in 1248–50 and died on another Crusade to Tunisia. Early life
Biography of Saint Louis IX, King of France (1214-1270)
St. Louis IX, King of France was born at Poissy on April 25, 1214. His parents were Louis VIII, King of France and Queen Blanche of Castile. He was Capetian king of France from 1226 to 1270.
Saint Louis of France - Franciscan Media
Aug 25, 2022 · Saint Louis of France took his position seriously as both king and Christian. A true son of the Church, Louis worked for peace and reconciliation within his kingdom and beyond. He was generous with his wealth and his time. He was named a patron of the Secular Franciscans.
St. Louis IX - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
Louis IX was born in Poissy, France in 1214 to Louis VIII and Blanche of Castille. He succeeded to the throne at the age of twelve under the regency of his mother. On his twenty-first birthday he assumed full kingship.
The Real Story of King St. Louis IX | Catholic Answers Magazine
Jul 10, 2020 · What could a thirteenth century French monarch, who never set foot in North America, have in common with slave owning founders of the United States, Catholic missionaries to the Southwest, and soldiers who fought the Union to preserve the institution of slavery?
St. Louis, King of France - Information on the Saint of the Day ...
See Vatican News to discover the life-story and message of St. Louis, King of France, the Saint of the Day 25 August.
Louis IX of France: Life and Major Accomplishments of the Saint …
Jan 23, 2023 · Louis IX of France, also known as Louis the Saint, ruled France for over four decades, i.e. from 1226 to 1270. His coronation ceremony took place on November 29, 1226. King Louis IX’s name blazons as a beacon of virtue in …