How to send captured packets to a different destination?
Dec 19, 2015 · An example would tcpreplay. A simple search for "replay pcap file" will turn up even more tools gloriously up to date within the very second that you hit enter in your search engine of choice. A simple search for "replay pcap file" will turn up even more tools gloriously up to date within the very second that you hit enter in your search engine ...
Other PCAP network software other than TCPREPLAY?
Aug 31, 2010 · There's PReplay for Windows, tcpreplay and capedit for Linux/UNIX, and then a bunch of specialized tools for replaying specific types of traffic, usually related to network intrusion (such as aireplay to aid in WEP cracking).
tcpreplay throughput on eth0 well below (iperf confirmed) max
Jun 24, 2014 · > tcpreplay -ieth0 --topspeed x.pcap sending out eth0 processing file: x.pcap Actual: 459424 packets (137973257 bytes) sent in 12.23 seconds. Rated: 11281542.0 bps, 86.07 Mbps, 37565.33 pps iperf on eth0. iperf on the other hand goes up to about 800Mbps. Note that this is true even during those times when tcpreplay only yields about 8.x Mbps)
networking - how I can Specifying tcpreplay speed - Server Fault
3)$ tcpreplay -i %0 -p 10000 -L 50000 _udp_only.pcap Actual: 50000 packets (4322559 bytes) sent in 51.76 seconds.Rated: 83511.6 bps, 0.64 Mbps, 966.00 pps I have same problem when I try to Specify --mbps for 8600 packets 86 byte avg for each packet
How to send tcpdump-captured traffic directly to an interface?
May 15, 2018 · The solution is to write the tcpdump output to stdout and have tcpreplay read from stdin: tcpdump -i lo -w - 'tcp and port 12345' | tcpreplay -i eth1 - It seems that tcpreplay doesn't exit on a broken pipe, so, after closing tcpdump with Ctrl-C, you'll have to kill tcpreplay separately.
Newest 'tcpreplay' Questions - Server Fault
May 17, 2022 · Q&A for system and network administrators. Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
tcpreplay - Tcpreplaying using VMware - Server Fault
I am running VMware and tcpreplay on the host as sudo. Hence I think there should not be any problem access devices files. I am running VMware workstation 7.0; a. I first began with Custom networking as that provides option of creating your own virtual network name. I wrote /dev/vmnet3 and /dev/vmnet4 for the two interfaces respectively.
tcp - Modify source IP from a package dump - Server Fault
Mar 12, 2019 · I have a dumped several packages udp and I am trying to tcpreplay it. The issue is that the source is from a different network and I want to modify or redump by changing the source IP. I have done once but I can't seem to find the command line anymore.
Wireshark Q&A
Seems to me this is a tcpreplay issue not Wireshark. You’ll probably find more helpful support on the tcpreplay-users mailing list as suggested by the tcpreplay support page . (06 Jan ‘16, 02:50) grahamb ♦
Wireshark Q&A
May 28, 2014 · Opened a Tcpreplay issue to track. Will investigate as part of 4.0.5 release. answered 29 May '14, ...