Home | The Deep
An award-winning aquarium in Hull, and a conservation/education charity. Proud members of BIAZA and WAZA, with a mission to inspire positive change for ocean survival.
Book Tickets - The Deep
The Deep offers free entry for any essential carer/s when they are accompanying another paying visitor or existing Annual Pass holder who would not be able to visit without their support. If you are an essential carer visiting with a family member/friend, please bring something to show this such as a PIP/DLA letter or proof of Carer's Allowance.
Visit - The Deep
The Deep aims to create a deeper understanding and enjoyment of the ocean through stunning marine life, interactive displays and presentations. Fully accessible to all, we ensure that everyone can enjoy their time at The Deep!
About Us - The Deep
Overlooking the Humber Estuary, The Deep is an education and conservation charity with an awe-inspiring aquarium in Hull. As a member of the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA), The Deep provides inspiring formal and informal conservation education to a diverse ...
Getting Here - The Deep
Alongside a visit to the Deep you can visit tempting historic pubs, stop off at the iconic Fruit Market area, take a walk around the eye-catching marina and spend time visting Hull's independent shops, cafes, galleries and restaurants.
Experience - The Deep
© EMIH Limited, The Deep, Tower Street, HULL, HU1 4DP Registered in England & Wales No. 03513218 Registered Charity 1073254.
What's On | The Deep
Open to those over 55, we invite your group to come and learn about magnificent ocean animals, The Deep’s conservation work and some of the issues facing our marine world today. Silver Sharks sessions are available on selected weekdays in term-time from 3pm-5pm.
Food & Drink - The Deep
Tuck in and enjoy spectacular views over the stunning Humber Estuary waterfront as you eat in The Plaice. Serving hot breakfasts daily from 10:00am until 11:00am, and hot meals daily from 11:30am until 3pm (except Christmas Eve & Christmas Day).
Sleepovers - The Deep
Discover The Deep after dark with a sleepover next to incredible marine life! Enjoy a guided tour of The Deep followed by craft activities, before bedding down for the night beside sharks, rays and turtles! To check availability and for full itinerary details, please email events@thedeep.co.uk.
Education - The Deep
Bring your class to The Deep to experience amazing marine life and gain a greater insight into the aquatic world! Educational visits are priced at £10.50 per learner, with free teacher places at ratios 1:4 for EYFS, 1:6 for KS1/2 and 1:10 for KS3/4+. Additional adult places are £19.50 per person.