The Knesset
Assembly of all the Knesset members in order to vote on bills, debate issues of national concern, and more. The Plenum is the central body of the Knesset, and has the highest authority within it.
The Work of the Knesset - הכנסת
4 days ago · The Knesset – the Israeli house of representatives – is the legislative authority and the sole governmental body with the power of legislation. It also has a constituent role in the creation of a constitution for the State of Israel.
About the Knesset
6 days ago · The Knesset website’s lexicon features terms related to Israeli politics, the history of the State of Israel, the Knesset, the history of Zionism and Judaism, and more
Members of Knesset - הכנסת
5 days ago · Information on current and past members of Knesset, the parliamentary groups, all of Israel's governments and the elections for the Knesset
Knesset Visitor Center - הכנסת
4 days ago · The Visitor Center website provides information on tours of the Knesset building and online tours, for groups, families and individual visitors. We have also developed for your benefit various activities, educational aids and worksheets, and assembled a collection of videos and podcasts about the Knesset.
שגיאה - הכנסת
Assembly of all the Knesset members in order to vote on bills, debate issues of national concern, and more. The Plenum is the central body of the Knesset, and has the highest authority within it.
The electoral system The Knesset shall be elected in general, national, direct, equal, 4. secret, and proportional elections, in accordance with the Knesset Election Law.
The Knesset
Since October 7, 2023, the Knesset has placed the hostage issue at the top of its agenda, and hosted hostages’ families regularly for meetings and events on the issue. With fervent hopes for the speedy return of all hostages.
The Knesset Plenum - הכנסת
The Knesset plenum is the central and supreme authoritative body of the Knesset. Knesset resolutions are adopted through voting in the plenum, comprising 120 members of Knesset. Bills, motions for the agenda, parliamentary questions for government ministers and motions of no-confidence in the government are raised in the plenum.
שגיאה - הכנסת
For the first time, a woman is elected to serve as Secretary of the Knesset. The Knesset Presidium approved the election of Yardena Meller-Horowitz to the role of Knesset Secretary in place of Eyal Yinon, who was chosen to act as legal adviser to the Knesset.