Trident Texture - Recent Updates and Snapshots - Minecraft: Java ...
Mar 8, 2018 · It found a graphic called 'trident.png' in 18w09a\assets\minecraft\textures\entity So this could be what you're looking for.. just need to alter it & place it into a resource pack of a similar path
Changing the trident's model - Resource Pack Help - Minecraft …
Feb 2, 2021 · In the textures/entity folder there is a png model of the trident. I think you should change it too.
Change the texture of the trident's model via Optifine.
Aug 14, 2019 · The texture is saved as channeling_model.png and here's channeling_model.properties: type=trident. texture=channeling_model. enchantmentIDs=minecraft:channeling. But ingame it just shows up as a regular trident! I saw on another thread that it's impossible to change the trident's model for now, but is it possible to …
How do I use a Custom Model for Tridents? - Minecraft Forum
Apr 15, 2021 · Unfortunately you cannot change the model of a thrown trident with Custom Model Data, that is because it is an entity. You can only change the model of the trident in your hand. The only way I can see this changing in the future is if there was an update to allow custom entity data, with entity data tags or something similar.
Are tridents too easy to get? - Discussion - Minecraft Forum
Dec 7, 2018 · Normal Drowned are a joke to fight while Drowned with tridents are very difficult. Drowned move too slowly but the trident-bearers fire too quickly for melee unless you want to break your shield wide open, and ranged weapons not working well in water means the only way to fight a Drowned with a trident is with your own trident - a vicious cycle.
I think the trident can also have an enhanced version, and can add …
Nov 26, 2020 · Perhaps such a Trident could be crafted using copper. If there was a cheaper version of the trident, (As I mentioned above), it could act as a powerful early-game weapon that breaks pretty easily after being thrown a couple of times. Maybe these tridents also have a longer reach than ordinary weapons? (I think this might already be a thing.)
Why did they ruin trident killers??? - Minecraft Forum
Mar 12, 2022 · I've always thought they nerfed Mending/Infinity bows because they were often used in combination with Punch to boost players with Elytra; otherwise, I don't see any reason why they should be exclusive, and they aren't in my own version (much as you can simply rename any item in 1.6.4 and be able to repair it forever, which incidentally, was actually a bug, it …
Making a better Trident - Resource Pack Discussion - Minecraft …
Dec 31, 2022 · This is why I generally keep my tridents trident-shaped and then make the model match the item as closely as possible. You might Be able to get away with a small blue/red texture (using just the tip of the trident entity) so it looks like a blur of color in the air. Interesting idea, I believe it's do-able- I'll see what I come up with.
Summoning Lightning Near A Specific Named Trident
Aug 12, 2021 · Hello, I've been making a command to strike entities near a thrown trident with lightning, and it works fine, until I want the command to only work with a sp...
Bow, sword and trident names - Survival Mode - Minecraft Forum
Aug 2, 2019 · Hi, I have a large survival world and I felt like it was time to name my heavily enchanted items. I was thinking either bloodborne, dark souls 3 or TF2 refer...