Urban refugees | UNHCR US
Refugees may be vulnerable to exploitation, arrest or detention, and can be forced to compete with the poorest local workers for the worst jobs. Unlike a camp, cities allow refugees to live autonomously, make money and build a better future.
Urban refugee - Wikipedia
An urban refugee is a refugee who decided or was obliged to settle in an urban area rather than in a refugee camp in the country or territory where the person fled to.
What is the City of San Leandro doing to address homelessness? The City of San Leandro is actively fostering partnerships, developing services, and supporting efforts that address homelessness.
Urban refugee experiences are complex and varied. Their study has expanded in recent years, as scholars recognize the unique challenges that refugees face in an urban environment, and that the international community must overcome in order to provide services to this population.
Urban Refuge | The Global Compact on Refugees | UNHCR
Urban Refuge is all about helping refugees navigate their new homes with nothing more than their phone. All the information they need to access education, health services, legal aid, job information, housing, and more will be at their fingertips - translated into their native language and with the ability to link to Google or Apple maps if ...
Refugee Services - California Dept. of Social Services
Services for Refugees, Asylees, and Trafficking Victims. The Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) assists eligible refugees, Cuban/Haitian entrants, asylees, certified human trafficking victims and their family members, Special Immigrant Visa holders and certain Amerasians from Vietnam to successfully resettle in California.
UNHCR policy on refugee protection and solutions in urban ...
Are you a refugee, asylum-seekers or stateless person in need of help? Find country-specific contact details and information about your rights and available services on our HELP site . Visit the HELP site