vim plugins - Vim: How to Install Airline? - Super User
Apr 27, 2015 · The autoload/airline.vim file goes into your ~/.vim/autoload directory as does the autoload/airline directory and all its contents. This is one of those more complicated plugins …
How to delete all lines that do NOT contain a certain word in Vim?
Tested on Vim 7.4, Ubuntu 14.04, 1M line log file. Lines that contain word: ...
Vim: how to paste a block of text at the end of multiple lines?
Mar 15, 2017 · Use visual block mode (Ctrl+v) to select one set of lines, then either y or d them.Then, if you selected the foo, bar, baz lines use visual block mode again to select the …
Can I insert .jpeg and .gif images in my Vim files? - Super User
Apr 10, 2015 · Vim supports editing a vast set of different file types. Though it can open binary files (which most images are encoded in), it is predominantly used to edit text files. That's …
linux - How to do an inverse search in Vim? (i.e., get lines not ...
Another approach is doing "external grep"; from the manual (:help :grep):5.2 External grep Vim can interface with "grep" and grep-like programs (such as the GNU id-utils) in a similar way to …
In vim, how can I quickly switch between tabs? - Super User
The most-compatible (and for me most comfortable) way to switch tabs quickly comes from the Vim Wikia site. Place in your .vimrc file: nnoremap H gT nnoremap L gt Now Shift-h (capital H) …
How do I move around and otherwise rearrange splits in vim?
Mar 17, 2017 · I'm sure the help file covers it, but to move a split to cover the top of the screen, you can do CTRL-W K (i.e., Ctrl+W Shift+K), with H = left, J = bottom, K = top, L = right …
linux - Using vim to force edit a file when you opened without ...
Dec 29, 2013 · As it is often the case problem #2 (permission problem, with sudo), you can to your /etc/vim/vimrc (or ~/.vimrc) the following shortcut: cnoremap w!! execute 'silent! write …
Invoking vi through find | xargs breaks my terminal. Why?
Sep 15, 2011 · Vim expects its stdin to be the same as its controlling terminal, and performs various terminal-related ioctl's on stdin directly. When done on /dev/null (or any non-tty file …
swap file - What's the easiest way to delete Vim swapfiles I've …
Sep 27, 2012 · I guess because I'm on *nix and the .swp file is left over from some crashed or killed vim process. So, if I just want to delete all .sw* files after opening my file I'll issue: vim …