Water Beetle - Encyclopedia.com
May 21, 2018 · water beetle Aquatic beetle. Whirligig beetles (family Gyrinidae) skim around the surface of water, feeding on small insects. Water scavenger beetles (family Hydrophilidae) feed on water plants. Their larvae are fierce predators. Predaceous diving beetles are the most numerous water beetles. They are black, brown, or greenish and can remain ...
Hungerford's Crawling Water Beetle | Encyclopedia.com
Mar 7, 1994 · Hungerford's crawling water beetle is a small (0.2 in or 4.2 mm), distinctive, yellowish brown beetle with irregular dark markings and longitudinal stripes over the elytra, each of which is comprised of a series of fine, closely-spaced and darkly-pigmented punctures. Males tend to be smaller than females.
true water beetle | Encyclopedia.com
true water beetle See DYTISCIDAE. Source for information on true water beetle: A Dictionary of Zoology dictionary.
Beetles and Weevils: Coleoptera | Encyclopedia.com
GREAT WATER BEETLE (Dytiscus marginalis): SPECIES ACCOUNTS. Physical characteristics: Adults measure up to 1.4 inches (35 millimeters) in length. The midsection and elytra have pale borders. The elytra of the male are smooth, while those of the female are grooved. Geographic range: This species is found in Europe. Biome: Lake and pond
Water Bug | Encyclopedia.com
Aug 24, 2016 · The water scorpions (family Nepidae) are named for the breathing tube that protrudes from the rear of the abdomen. There are several other water bug families. The term water bug is also sometimes applied to the various water beetles. True water bugs are classified in the phylum Arthropoda, class Insecta, order Hemiptera.
Coleoptera (Beetles and Weevils) | Encyclopedia.com
The Water Beetle Specialist Group, part of the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN, recognizes the importance of aquatic beetles as bioindicators in wetland management in Europe and Southeast Asia. The Saproxylic Invertebrates Project focuses on selected groups of invertebrates, including beetles, dependent upon standing or fallen trees or ...
Arthropods: Insects, Arachnids, and Crustaceans - Encyclopedia.com
The most commonly consumed food insects in that region are bee brood (larvae and pupae), beetles such as Dytiscid and Hydrophilid beetles, and the giant water beetle (Lethocerus indicus), the larvae of weevils like Rhynchophorus, and locusts of the genera Oxya and Locusta.
Beetle - Encyclopedia.com
May 21, 2018 · beetle, common name for insects [1] of the order Coleoptera, which, with more than 300,000 described species, is the largest of the insect orders. Beetles have chewing mouthparts and well-developed antennae.
Ethology - Encyclopedia.com
May 23, 2018 · The carnivorous water beetle Dysticus marginalis does not react to the sight of prey (e.g., a tadpole in a glass tube), although it has perfectly developed eyes, but it does react to the chemical stimuli emanating from the prey. If some prey-extract solution is added to the water, the beetle will clasp even inanimate objects immersed in the water.
Hemiptera (True Bugs, Cicadas, Leafhoppers, Aphids, Mealy Bugs, …
English: Saucer water bug, water bee; German: Schwimmwanze. physical characteristics. Rounded, oval, and beetle-like, reaching 0.59 in (15 mm) in length. Dull green, with somewhat darker forewings. Beak is short and conical. Forelegs very robust, adapted for grasping prey; middle and hind legs have long swimming hairs.