Western Goldenrod - Calscape
Euthamia occidentalis, known by the common names Western Goldenrod and Western Goldentop, is a deciduous flowering perennial plant. It is native to most of the western states. It is most widespread in California, where it is primarily found at elevations below 5,000 feet, in damp ground along rivers and streams, irrigation ditches, meadows ...
Euthamia occidentalis Nutt. - Calflora
Euthamia occidentalis is a perennial herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in North America and beyond. This plant is available commercially. Jepson eFlora.
Western Goldenrod, Euthamia occidentalis - calscape.org
It is native to most of the western states. It is most widespread in California, where it is primarily found at elevations below 5,000 feet, in damp ground along rivers and streams, irrigation ditches, meadows, tidal channels, fresh to brackish marshes, and other wetlands.
Euthamia Occidentalis, Western Goldentop - American Southwest
Yellow wildflowers of western USA: Euthamia occidentalis, western goldentop: Inhabits riverbanks, marshes, lake shores and moist meadows, from sea level to 5,200 feet
Euthamia occidentalis-Western Goldenrod
Euthamia occidentalis is a flowering plant, known by the common names western flat topped goldenrod, western goldentop and western goldenrod. It is a common plant of the Western U.S, California and Baja California. It is most likely to be found near water, such as …
Euthamia occidentalis - Wikipedia
Euthamia occidentalis is a flowering plant, known by the common names western flat topped goldenrod, western goldentop and western goldenrod, in the family Asteraceae.
Euthamia occidentalis (Grass-Leaved Goldenrod) - Gardenia
Euthamia occidentalis (Western Goldentop) is a rhizomatous perennial with tall and branched stems clad with long, narrow, gray-green leaves. Blooming from mid-summer to fall, they bear dense, flat-topped clusters packed with bright yellow flowerheads.
Western goldenrod
Common name: Western goldenrod Family: Asteraceae (Sunflower) Habitat: Freshwater and saltwater marsh, valley grassland and sagebrush scrub almost entirely in cismontane Southern California, but extending to Northern California, British Columbia and the Rocky Mountains Blooming period: July to November
Western Goldenrod, Western Goldentop: Euthamia occidentalis …
Western goldenrod is a perennial wildflower with erect, much-branched stems arising from 50-200 cm high. The branches are glabrous (lacking hairs) and generally ascend or are nearly upright. The numerous leaves are sessile and narrowly linear in outline with 3 nerves or veins.
Western Goldenrod - PollinatorWeb
Euthamia occidentalis, commonly known as western goldenrod and western goldentop, is a beautiful and versatile pollinator-friendly plant that is native to the Western United States. This hardy perennial is an excellent addition to low desert gardens due to its ability to withstand the hot, dry conditions of the region.