Age-restricted content - YouTube Help - Google Help
Age-restricted videos cannot be watched on most third-party websites. If a video on another website has an age restriction, the viewer will be taken to YouTube. To watch it, they’ll need to …
Creative Commons - YouTube Help - Google Help
Creative Commons on YouTube The ability to mark uploaded videos with a Creative Commons license is available to all creators. The standard YouTube license remains the default setting …
Spam, deceptive practices, & scams policies - YouTube Help
What these policies mean for you If you're posting content. Don’t post content on YouTube if it fits any of the descriptions noted below. Video Spam: Content that is excessively posted, …
Determining if your content is "made for kids" - YouTube Help
Just because your content may include some of these factors does not automatically mean it’s made for kids. You should carefully consider who you’re trying to reach with your videos as …
Understand ad revenue analytics - YouTube Help - Google Help
You can check your YouTube revenue and channel performance with metrics in YouTube Analytics. Some metrics seem similar, but their differences are important for understanding …
Impressions & click-through-rate FAQs - YouTube Help - Google …
YouTube will recommend a video to viewers if the video is relevant to them and if the video's average view duration indicates that viewers find it interesting. Clickbait videos tend to have …
Premiere a new video - YouTube Help - Google Help
YouTube Premieres let you and your viewers watch and experience a new video together in real time. Create buzz for your Premiere by sharing the watch page so viewers can set reminders, …
What is a copyright claim? - YouTube Help
Upload videos Edit videos & video settings Create Shorts Edit videos with YouTube Create Customize & manage your channel Analyze performance with analytics Translate videos, …
Handles overview - Computer - YouTube Help - Google Help
Handles are a way for you to find and connect with creators on YouTube. Handles are unique and short channel identifiers distinct from channel names, and they start with the “@” symbol.
Learn about Content ID claims - Computer - YouTube Help
Starting on October 15 2024, all new vertical videos that are 1-3 minutes in length will be categorized as Shorts on YouTube. Shorts longer than one minute that have an active Content …