Dyslexia - Wikipedia
Dyslexia, previously known as word blindness, is a learning disability that affects either reading or writing. [1] [6] Different people are affected to different degrees. [3]
Word Blindness | Dyslexia.com Resource Site
‘Word blindness’ is an old-fashioned term used to mean that a person is unable to recognize and understand words that he sees. This was the term used to describe dyslexia when it was first described by doctors in the late 19th century.
Dyslexia Discovered: Word-Blindness, Victorian Medicine, and ...
Word-blindness first appears in British newspaper reportage in 1895, with accounts of Hinshelwood’s paper in the Lancet (‘Word Blindness and Visual Memory’), and a series of articles followed in the decades thereafter.
A Brief History of Dyslexia
The years following the opening of the Word Blind Centre in 1962 are key to dyslexia’s later history. They marked not only the start of modern research on, and advocacy for, the condition – which would ultimately result in recognition by government and protection for people with dyslexia under legislation like the 2010 Equality Act – but ...
Blog :: The Birth of Dyslexia: The Early Brain Science of ...
Oct 7, 2024 · Learn more about the history of dyslexia, starting with the discovery of "word blindness" by Adolph Kussmaul in the 1870s to modern insights on this learning difference.
Word blindness | definition of word blindness by Medical ...
Dyslexia - also known as word blindness - is a developmental disorder which is marked by an extreme difficulty in reading or understanding written words.
Pure alexia - Wikipedia
Pure alexia, also known as agnosic alexia or alexia without agraphia or pure word blindness, is one form of alexia which makes up "the peripheral dyslexia" group. [1] Individuals who have pure alexia have severe reading problems while other language-related skills such as naming, oral repetition, auditory comprehension or writing are typically ...