What are the differences between "Ya Allah" vs "Allahuma"?
What happened, I don't know how, is that, the calling prefix ya يا was dropped and an additional suffix that sounds umma ـمّ was added to Allah Allah-umma الله-ـمّ: Ya Allah, guide me to the right path. The same as: Allahumma, guide me to the right path. This is a rare usage. As far as I know, umma suffix only fits with Allah.
authenticity - What are the authentic supplications (A'dyiah) …
Dec 28, 2021 · Ya Allah, as You are the One, the Only, the Self-Sufficient Master, Who begets not nor was He begotten, and there is None equal or comparable to Him, forgive me my sins, for You are the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful' (Allahumma inni as'aluka, Ya Allah - bi-annakal Wahid - Al-Ahadus-samad - Alladhi lam yalid wa lam yulad, wa lam yakul-lahu ...
fiqh - Is it recommended to recite 'Ya Shafi Ya Kafi' before taking a ...
However this phrase is essentially just supplicating to Allah using His names which is prescribed. ولله الأسماء الحسنى فادعوه بها. And to Allah belong the best names, so invoke Him by them. — Quran 7:180
What does "Jazak Allah Khair" mean? - Islam Stack Exchange
"Allah" here explicitly refers Allah as the doer (subject of the sentence or فاعل). Now "He" is "Allah". "Khair" (خير) is the noun meaning, "good". The full meaning becomes: "Allah will reward you good". This is used as a Du'a by the Muslims and in Arabic it is: جزاك الله خيرا.
What does the attribute of Allah "shafiul mudhnibin" mean?
Jun 14, 2016 · On the other hand usually when referring to Allah one does say: Ya ghafir a-dhanb (as in surat ghafir (40:3)) or ya Ghafuru (يا غَفُورُ) ya Rahim (which are both names of Allah). And this is the most correct dua'. I hope this was helpful. And Allah knows best!
What does “Yarhamukallah” mean? - Islam Stack Exchange
Nov 19, 2018 · Yarhamuk Allah يرحمك الله means May Allah have Mercy on you, Yarham is from Raham (mercy). When someone sneezes they should says "Al Hamdulilah" and when you witness this should you say "Yarhamuk Allah". Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: Six are the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim.
Can I call Jesus "Rasool Allah"? - Islam Stack Exchange
Nov 17, 2017 · Wa Idh Qala Isa Abnu Maryama Ya Bani Isra'ila Inni Rasulu Allahi 'Ilaykum Musaddiqaan Lima Bayna Yadayya Mina At-Tawraati Wa Mubashiraan Birasulin Ya'ti Min Ba`di Asmuhu 'Ahmad And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and ...
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And what Ya'qub - prophet of Allah - replied? He did NOT say: "This is Shirk, go and ask your forgiveness directly from Allah". But he replied: He said, "I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." Yusuf 98. 4. The above example was about Ya'qub. Is there any example from Islam? Yes.
Difference between Rabbul Alamin and Rabbil Alamin
May 4, 2016 · In surat al-Fatiha the noun (in Arabic 'irab Ism) Allah is related to hraf al jar (lam) so it's is like if you said: Alhmadu li Allahi rabbi al-'Alamyn, but in truth it is al-hamdu li-l-Lahi rabbi-l 'Alamyn here some al's have been merged (diphthong) but the'irab need some elaboration.
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Allah the Almighty, says in the Qur’an a kareem: ‘Wa lillahil asma’il husna fad’uhu bi ha’ ‘And to Allah belong all the best names, so call Him by them’ [‘al A’raf; 180] Although if your intentions or words of saying LORD is for Allah then its not a Sin but in short Recommended way or u should say the word Allah or others ...