Carnotite - Wikipedia
Carnotite is a potassium uranium vanadate radioactive mineral with chemical formula K 2 (U O 2) 2 (VO 4) 2 ·3H 2 O. The water content can vary and small amounts of calcium, barium, magnesium, iron, and sodium are often present.
Carnotite | uranium ore, radioactive, vanadium | Britannica
carnotite, radioactive, bright-yellow, soft and earthy vanadium mineral that is an important source of uranium. A hydrated potassium uranyl vanadate, K 2 (UO 2) 2 (VO 4) 2 ·3H 2 O, pure carnotite contains about 53 percent uranium, 12 percent vanadium, and trace amounts of radium.
Carnotite: Mineral information, data and localities. - mindat.org
Named in 1899 by Charles Friedel and Édouard Cumenge in honor of Marie-Adolphe Carnot [January 27, 1839 Paris, France - June 20, 1920], French mining engineer and chemist, professor at École des Mines and, later Chief Engineer of Mines and Inspector General of Mines, becoming Dean of the Ecole Nationale des Mines in 1901-1907, when he retired.
Carnotite Uses Explored - Rock & Gem Magazine
Aug 8, 2022 · Over three different periods, carnotite has served as an ore of radium, vanadium, and uranium. And specimens are still easy to collect in the old Colorado-Utah mining districts. With their bright-yellow color, carnotite specimens are quite unusual—as is the story behind them.
Carnotite Mineral Information photos and Facts, Carnotite …
Carnotite is a vanadate of uranium and potassium, with variable amounts of water and a number of common impurities including calcium, barium, magnesium, iron, and sodium. Colors: Characteristic bright yellow color from the Uranyl ion. Its cleavage is very perfect parallel to (00I).
Carnotite Archives - Cochise College Geology
Carnotite most commonly occurs as a powdery coating. Identifying Characteristics: Bright yellow color and radioactive. Uses: Uranium ore. Toxicity: When-swallowed: high When-inhaled: very high. Additional Information: Carnotite is a common ore of uranium. It usually occurs as a thin powdery, bright yellow coating on a rock surface.
CARNOTITE (Hydrated Potassium Uranyl Vanadate)
Carnotite is a relatively uncommon mineral, yet common enough to be an important ore of uranium and vanadium. Uranium and vanadium are two extremely strategic metals. Carnotite is closely related to tyuyamunite, Ca(UO2)2(VO4)2- 5-8H2O. The chemistries are very similar with potassium replacing calcium and a different percentage of water, however ...
Carnotite is a radioactive, hydrous potassium uranyl vanadate mineral, K2(UO2)2(VO4)2·3H2O. It is the principal uranium ore mineral in America, but has also been mined as a vanadium ore mineral. The water component of carnotite varies with atmospheric humidity.
Carnotite Mineral Data
Named after the French chemist, M. A. Carnot (1839-1920). Comments: Bright yellow, fluorescent crystals of carnotite on sandstone. Location: Anderson Mine, Yavapai County, USA. Scale: Size Not Given. Yellow, Golden yellow, Greenish yellow. Uneven - Flat surfaces (not cleavage) fractured in an uneven pattern.
Carnotite - chemeurope.com
Carnotite is a bright to greenish yellow mineral that occurs typically as crusts and flakes in sandstones. Amounts as low as one percent will color the sandstone a bright yellow. The high uranium content makes carnotite an important uranium ore and also radioactive.