Jul 12, 2024 · Socket.IO. Bidirectional and low-latency communication for every platform. Get started Documentation. Performant. In most cases, the connection will be established with WebSocket, providing a low-overhead communication channel between the server and the client. Reliable. Rest assured! In case the WebSocket connection is not possible, it will ...
Tutorial - Introduction - socket.io
Welcome to the Socket.IO tutorial! In this tutorial we'll create a basic chat application. It requires almost no basic prior knowledge of Node.JS or Socket.IO, so it’s ideal for users of all knowledge levels.
Introduction | Socket.IO
Socket.IO is a library that enables low-latency, bidirectional and event-based communication between a client and a server. The Socket.IO connection can be established with different low-level transports:
Client API - socket.io
Else, in all other cases (with some build tools, in Node.js or React Native), it can be imported from the socket.io-client package: // ES modules import { io } from "socket.io-client" ;
Get started - socket.io
Socket.IO with WebTransport: Let's test the support for WebTransport added in version 4.7.0. A basic CRUD project: Let's create a classic CRUD (Create-Read-Update-Delete) application with Socket.IO. We'll introduce acknowledgements and the …
Introduction - socket.io
Jul 25, 2019 · What Socket.IO is Socket.IO is a library that enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the browser and the server. It consists of: a Node.js server: Source | API; a Javascript client library for the browser (which …
The Socket.IO protocol
The Socket.IO protocol enables full-duplex and low-overhead communication between a client and a server. It is built on top of the Engine.IO protocol, which handles the low-level plumbing with WebSocket and HTTP long-polling. The Socket.IO protocol adds the following features: multiplexing (referred as "namespace" in the Socket.IO jargon)
Get started - socket.io
The main idea behind Socket.IO is that you can send and receive any events you want, with any data you want. Any objects that can be encoded as JSON will do, and binary data is supported too. Let’s make it so that when the user types in a message, the server gets it …
Jul 12, 2024 · Socket.IO. 支持及时、双向与基于事件的交流。它可以在每个平台、每个浏览器和每个设备上工作,可靠性和速度同样稳定。
How it works - socket.io
The bidirectional channel between the Socket.IO server (Node.js) and the Socket.IO client (browser, Node.js, or another programming language) is established with a WebSocket connection whenever possible, and will use HTTP long-polling as fallback.