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- Gol D Roger
Execution - Gold D Roger
AMV - Gol D Roger
Laugh Tale - Gol D Roger
and Shanks - Gol D Roger - Gol D Roger
vs White Beard - Gold
D Roger - Roger
One Piece - Gol D Roger
vs Shiki - Gol D Roger
Real Life - Gol D Roger
Death - Gol D Roger
Laughing - Gol D Roger
Speech - Gol D Roger
ASTD - Faz
Gol D Roger - Gol D Roger
Battle - Roger
vs Oden - Gol D Roger
and Garp - Gold D Roger
Final Words - Gol D Roger
Wallpaper - Gol D Roger
Scene - Gol D Roger
Haki - Gold D Roger
Meets Luffy - Gol D Roger
Rap - Gol D Roger
vs Kaido - Gol D Roger
Bounty - Dragon and
Roger - Gol D Roger
Crew - Gol D Roger
Flashback - Gol D Roger
Real Power
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