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- Herb Baumeister
House - Fox Hollow
Farms In - Herb Baumeister
Save a Lot - Herbert
Baumeister - Herb Baumeister
Home - Herb Baumeister
Interview - Serial Killer
in Indiana - Herb Baumeister
Victims - The Haunting of Fox
Hollow Farm - Herb Baumeister
Movie - Fox Hollow Farms
Carmel Indiana - Fox Hollow Farm
Documentary - Herb Baumeister
Death - Herb Baumeister
Bill Kurtis - Paranormal Witness
Fox Hollow Farm - A&E
Herb Baumeister - Fox Hollow Farm
Murders - Richard Herb Baumeister
No Gun Found - Herb Baumeister
City Confidential - Herb Baumeister
American Justice - Herb Baumeister
American - Fox Hollow Farm
Haunted Story - Ghost Adventures
Fox Hollow Farm - Herb Baumeister
Audio Recording - Fox Hollow Farm
Pumpkin Patch - Herb Baumeister
TV Show
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