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- Mama Miti
Book - Wangari
Maathai - Tarzan Elephant
Stampede - Miti
Gujarati - Mamma Mia
Storyline - Wangari
'S Tree - Wangari Maathai
Song - Lion King
Awimbawe - Mama Miti
Read Aloud - Wangari Maathai
Biography - Donna Jo
Napoli - The Jungle The
Mighty Jungle - Miti
TV - Wangari Maathai Biography
for Kids - Who Is Wangari
Maathai - Wangari's Trees of
Peace Read Aloud - Professor Wangari
Maathai - Wimba Way
Lion King - Anna Maria
Rizzoli Oggi - Wangari Maathai
Burial - Tarzan
Hippo - Lion King
Aweemaway - Wangari Muta
Maathai - The Monkey and
the Turtle - One Tree
Planted - Wangari Maathai
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