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- Tom Courtenay
Movies - Tom Courtenay
Dr. Zhivago - Albert
Finney - Tom Courtenay
Wikipedia - Ray
Winstone - Yo La Tengo
Tom Courtenay - Tom Courtenay
the Dresser - Tom Courtenay
Awards - Tom Courtenay
Actor - Robert
Carlyle - Tom Courtenay
Films - Sir
Tom Courtenay - Robert
Duvall - Tom Courtenay
Interview - Geraldine
James - Tom Courtenay
Oscar Nomination - Colin Firth
House - Otley
Movie - Michael
Gambon - Michael
Redgrave - Eileen
Atkins - Christopher
Eccleston - William Shockley
Biography - Penelope
Wilton - Billy Liar TV
Series - Nicholas Nickleby
2001 - Joe Don
Baker - Matthew
Macfadyen - Julie
Christie - The Green Man Movie
Albert Finney
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