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- Beric Dondarrion
Voice - The Hound Game
of Thrones - Joffrey
Dies - Oberyn and
Tyrion - Sandor
Clegane - Gendry
- Got
Rewind - Thoros
of MYR - Beric Dondarrion
Richard Dormer - Beric Dondarrion
Back From Death - Die Another Day
Aston Martin - Petyr
Baelish - The Hound vs
Beric Dondarrion - Renly Baratheon
Game of Thrones - Lord
Beric Dondarrion - Game of Thrones
Fight Scene - Game of Thrones
Gregor Clegane - King Robert
Baratheon - Tyrion
Pycelle - Oberyn Martell Game
of Thrones - Lady Stoneheart
Game of Thrones - Rory McCann Game
of Thrones
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