On today’s episode of Spotlight Now, we’re joined by U.S. Rep. Jill Tokuda, UHERO executive director Carl Bonham, and Lt. Gov ...
Two Senate committees moved a proposed bill forward Tuesday, but took a big cut to the DHHL’s $600 million request. The ...
Hawaii County Mayor Kimo Alameda joined the cast of Hilo's "Little Mermaid" production at their dress rehearsal Monday night.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The state has tried to stop the spread of the coconut rhinoceros beetle since its first detection ...
A teacher on Maui says she was fired for not accepting a new school policy that she says discriminates against transgender ...
High pressure to the north of the island chain will once again take control over the next several days, driving trade winds ...
The Department of Defense has launched a new effort to identify the remains of service members killed 80 years ago.
MPD is seeking any information regarding the whereabouts of 17-year-old Lilinoe Kaili and 1-year-old Ocean Kaili.
Today marks the birthday of US President Grover Cleveland who was in office during a pivotal time in Hawaiian history.
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A major repaving and sidewalk repair project is underway in Waikiki. Work began Monday to repave ...
Gary Yabuta and Thomas Phillips sent letters to the Maui Police Commission that said it would be “premature and unjust” to ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - A Kapolei mother and her girlfriend are eligible for extended sentencing if convicted. Janae Perez ...