The mosques involved are Masjid Negara, Masjid Putra and Masjid Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin, with the prayers to be held every night after Isyak prayers.
"The detained individuals entered the country as tourists and collected information in several provinces of the country," Mizan said, without giving further details. British media have said they ...
Two British nationals detained in Iran have been charged with espionage, according to the Iranian judiciary’s Mizan news agency. The pair were laid with the charges on Tuesday after they ...
A British couple arrested in central Iran have been formally charged with espionage on behalf of “hostile and Western countries,” the state-run Mizan Online reported, citing the Iranian judiciary.
KUALA LUMPUR - "Thank you Malaysians for the help and support given to the Palestinian people", said Banan Salmi Ahmad Abu ...
Mîzanın âyet ve hadislerde kullanılışı çerçevesinde terimleşen muhtevası ise âhiret hallerinin belli bir merhalesinde mükelleflerin, sorguya çekilmelerinin tamamlayıcı bir işlemi ...
Mizan kelimesi, dilimizde oldukça kullanılan kelimelerden birisidir. Mizan, Arapça dilinden Türkçe'mize geçmiştir. TDK'ye göre, mizan kelimesi anlamı şu şekildedir: ...
DUBAI (Reuters) -Two British nationals detained in Iran have been charged with espionage after they allegedly gathered information in different parts of the country, the Iranian judiciary's Mizan news ...