Classic Bike Review: 1984 Kawasaki KX125 - Vital MX
Jul 8, 2011 · The 84 KX125 was one of my favorite bikes. I totally loved the motor and the suspension was perfect for me. It was the first 125 that I really felt comfortable trying to go fast on, and definitely made me a more confident rider/racer. I owned mine for a season and then sold it to my brother. Unfortunately it was stolen from our barn not long after.
1976 KX125 - Old School Moto - Vital MX
Aug 31, 2012 · Stock KX125 shocks are 13.25", IDEALY I wanted a set 14.75" that I could acess the damper to install shims and mess around with length. Instead of spending $$$$ I picked up a nice set from a '80 KE175. At 14.75" I needed to shorten them 1/2" for better geometry. Ugly as sin, but the new threaded shock mount will work for now.
Best years for KX 125? - Tech Help/Race Shop - Vital MX
Oct 31, 2013 · What were their best years? I always wanted a KX 125 when I was younger and never got one. I'm now thinking it would be a fun resto project. I've found a 2000 KX 125 locally and I'm really thinking about it. I just don't know jack …
'89 KX125 - Old School Moto - Motocross Forums / Message …
Sep 26, 2010 · I recently purchased this '89 KX125 and plan to soon begin the tear down. Are there any known issues that I should be on the lookout for during the process? Also, does anyone know of any upside-down forks from another bike that would be a fairly simple swap? Thanks!
1987 kx125 - Old School Moto - Motocross Forums / Message …
Jan 27, 2019 · The '87 KX125 rates up there of one of my all time favorite bikes....I won a bunch of races on one in my last year of the 125 B class, including our Indiana State Championship Race. So cool to see you bringing one back to life, and I am sure finding parts is a challenge.
1994-98 KX125 Info - Old School Moto - Vital MX
May 6, 2009 · Vets MXDN have added an open Super Evo class for 2015 (1990-96), so i'm going back to my original plan of building a 1998 PC KX125 replica bike, that i plan to build into a 94-96 KX125 chassis to be race legal. Thing is, i don't know a lot about the 94-98 KX125s.
04 Kx125 Big Bore Kit - Tech Help/Race Shop - Vital MX
Jul 10, 2008 · I just purchased a kx125 and thinking about putting a big bore kit in it. (144cc) just wanting to get some opions before i dump the money in it. thanks! 04 Kx125 Big Bore Kit - Tech Help/Race Shop - Motocross Forums / Message Boards - Vital MX
Kx125 low end improvements - Tech Help/Race Shop - Vital MX
Jul 13, 2015 · Hi Been out a few times now on my kx125 and something I have noticed is a lack of power in 1st and 2nd, especially corners. I know that this is a common thing with 125's, to compensate I can increase the teeth on the rear sprocket or Lower the amount of …
Kawasaki 1989 KX125 rebuild and Pro Circuit parts - Vital MX
Apr 23, 2016 · For pull rod 123MM KX125/250 97-01 in clearance corner I'm not sure because I don't know the spacing length of OEM 1989 pull rods. I think it would be better put on my bike KX125/250 1993/1996... Generally and normally Pro Circuit removes 1mm and more from original pull rod. Someone has spacing length and thickness of 1988 kx125 OEM pull rod ?
KX 125 owners.....previous and current please. - Vital MX
Jul 22, 2007 · 2005 was the last KX125 sold in the States, but it went to 2008 in the rest of the world, but did not change much at all from the 05, 99-02 was the L model, and pretty much, then the 03 was the first of the M models, with a new chassis and motor, and also a nickisal bore rather than the previous elctrosil,