LPPM | The London Platinum and Palladium Market
LPPM membership offers key players in the precious metals industry exclusive access to London's platinum and palladium markets. Member institutions, including banks, refiners, and brokers, actively contribute to the market's transparency and integrity.
LBMA Platinum and Palladium Price Data - LPPM
To facilitate trading among members, a list of acceptable Refiners is maintained by the London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM). This is known as The London/Zurich Good Delivery List.
Good Delivery - LPPM
This list of Good Delivery refiners of platinum and palladium plates and ingots has been developed and is maintained by the LPPM in order to facilitate the international distribution and acceptability of standard plates and ingots produced by those refiners.
Responsible Sourcing From the LPPM
The London Platinum and Palladium Market (the “LPPM”), through its Responsible Sourcing Review Committee (the “RSRC”), announced the launch of a consultation process over the drafting of Version 5 of its Responsible Platinum / Palladium Guidance (the …
The Market - LPPM
To facilitate trading among members, a list of acceptable Refiners is maintained by the London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM). This is known as The London/Zurich Good Delivery List.
LPPM Responsible Sourcing Programme Responsible Platinum/Palladium Guidance Version 4 – November 2022 Introduction The London Platinum and Palladium Market, (the “LPPM”) created its Responsible Platinum/Palladium Guidance (the “Guidance” or “RPPG”) for Good Delivery Refiners and members of the Sponge Accreditation
Platinum List - LPPM
This list of Good Delivery refiners of platinum and palladium plates and ingots has been developed and is maintained by the LPPM in order to facilitate the international distribution and acceptability of standard plates and ingots produced by those refiners.
Guidance - LPPM
The LPPM continues to believe that it is in the best interest of the Platinum Group Metal (“PGM”) refining industry that the LPPM constructs a Responsible Sourcing Programme for Supply Chain Risk Management that is tailored to the industry’s particular needs and inherent risks.
Members - LPPM
To facilitate trading among members, a list of acceptable Refiners is maintained by the London Platinum and Palladium Market (LPPM). This is known as The London/Zurich Good Delivery List.
Good Delivery Rules - LPPM
Intended to assure investors and consumers that all LPPM Good Delivery metal is conflict-free due to compliance with an audited, conflict-free process. Find out more