"Result in" or "result to" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Result in is idiomatic and quite acceptable, but rewrite the rest of the sentence: Advanced Marketing Staff knowledge and skills which led to a dramatic increase in branch customers, …
Is it correct to use "...and as a result,..." to link two independent ...
Feb 21, 2018 · Yes, balance is needed. '... as a result ...' doesn't need commas, but here zero punctuation is a non-starter. You could alternatively argue that 'and as a result' is a compound …
prepositions - "results of" versus "results for" - English Language ...
Feb 7, 2017 · Result of: You are stating something. (generally speaking) Result for: You are making a statement pertain to something distinct. (specific subject) Although people have …
'result' or 'their result' in this context - English Language & Usage ...
Apr 15, 2015 · Within the framework of his research he developed four solutions and presented result in his four scientific publications. As part of his academic activities, he conducted …
meaning - "Satisfied with" vs. "satisfied by" vs. "satisfied in ...
Dec 3, 2015 · He was satisfied by his test result. It's not ungrammatical, but it sounds a bit awkward. Satisfied is a verb (passive voice) here, and the sentence is grammatically …
How to use "resulting" and "resultant" as qualifier properly?
Mar 8, 2014 · Resultant is an adjective formed from the verb 'to result' which means 'that which results' e.g. 'We restructured the business with resultant cost savings' Resulting is the present …
An idiom meaning someone's doing something useless and has …
Apr 13, 2012 · Like trying to carry water in a sieve. Like trying to empty the sea with a thimble. UPDATE. I did a search for "is like trying to convince a" and came up with a lot of really …
Intense hatred as a result of someone's actions (rhymes with …
Jun 21, 2019 · We found the following answers for: Intense hatred as a result of someone's actions (rhymes with "podium") crossword clue. This crossword clue was last seen on June 21 …
differences - "Consequently" versus "consequentially" - English ...
In principle consequentially does overlap in meaning with consequently, in that they can both mean as a result [of whatever has just been mentioned], but consequentially has more the …
satisfying or satisfactory? - WordReference Forums
Dec 25, 2006 · If I say, The test result was satisfying, I think this means it pleased me. That is, I was happy with the result obtained. If I say, The test result was satisfactory, I would take this …