The Nazi Antarctic Fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump
Mar 19, 2024 · Numerous ‘alleged’ covert operations took place during the Nazi era, and one of the most memorable is that of Neuschwabenland and their enigmatic Base 211 located within Antarctica. Did the Nazi’s create a secret base in Antarctica?
NAZI BASE 211, ANTARCTICA 1947 (2020) - YouTube
May 11, 2020 · A #fromearth2theuniverse short documentary pod presents you the documentary about the top secret Allied Naval Expedition in 1947 that was sent to the South Pole to capture the last Nazi...
Startling New Documents Reveal Nazi Germany’s Hidden …
Nov 25, 2024 · Brad Olsen, a leading world explorer, has revealed startling new documents showing how Nazi Germany established at least two bases in Antarctica during and immediately after World War 2. The documents show passports for Nazi personnel traveling to Base 211 in New Schwabenland, and also a New Berlin base in the vicinity of the South Pole.
Rare Third Reich Documentary - New Swabia Antarctica Base 211
Dec 20, 2021 · Fascinating Russian documentary (English subtitles) chronicling intelligence surrounding the events of Operation High Jump and the Nazi Antarctica settlement...
Base 211 - Wikipedia
Base 211 nota anche come Nuova Berlino (Neues Berlin in tedesco) è il nome in codice della principale base di un’ipotetica e indimostrata installazione militare nazista, situata nel sottosuolo della NeuSchwabenland (Nuova Svevia, in Antartide) [1], ma non esistono prove che supportino, in questa teoria pseudostorica, la reale esistenza dell ...
Antarctica Base 211 | 2017 - YouTube
The Lost Colony in Antarctica - 'Neuschwabenland' Is there MORE going on than they're telling us - Base 211 and the Flying Saucer Haunebu Caft of the . Rumored NAZI Base 211 in Antarctica and...
The Secret Antarctic Nazi Base of Neuschwabenland - The …
Feb 27, 2023 · The Nazi Base 211 was undoubtedly constructed. It is located in the Mühlig-Hofmann peaks of Neuschwabenland, within a small mountain range devoid of ice. Many historians, however, have dismissed the presence of Station 211 in the Antarctic, implying that there was no evidence of such allegations.
Feb 27, 2024 · The Führer at the end of a dramatic military meeting asks the Party's ideologue, Minister of the Occupied Territories, Alfred Rosenberg, about the new research team sent to the New Berlin, the highly secret Base 211 in Antarctica in the territory of New Swabia.
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The Nazi Antarctic fortress: Base 211 and Operation Highjump
Nov 28, 2016 · Numerous ‘alleged’ covert operations took place during the Nazi era, and one of the most memorable is that of Neuschwabenland and their enigmatic Base 211 located within Antarctica. Neuschwabenland or New Swabia is located on the Antarctic continent between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land.
Feb 27, 2024 · Over the decades, the myth of the famous Base 211, an occult Nazi stronghold in which - according to conspiracy theories - sophisticated technologies, such as futuristic German-made "UFOs" or powerful weapons of mass destruction, were developed around this …
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