"Helping People, Changing Lives"
Gateway Community Action works closely with community partners, empowering individuals and families in overcoming the causes of poverty through a range of human service programs. Helping People, Changing Lives! We help people help themselves and each other by bridging gaps between needs and solutions to build strong families and healthier ...
Gateway Head Start would like to thank you for participating in the Head Start program and hope that your child leaves our program with the school readiness skills that he/she will need to help them to become a successful adult.
Gateway participates in thecChild andrAdulttCarehFood Program (CACFP). r The Child and Adult Care Food Program is a federal program that provides eimbursements for nutritious meals and snacks to eligible children and adults whoare enrolledfor areat paticipaing c ild carecenters, day care omes, and adult day care centers.
SECTION504 PUBLICNOTICE Thisnoticeispublishedpursuanttotherequirementsof24CFRPart8NondiscriminationontheBasis of Disability in Federally Assisted Programs and ...
Gateway Community Action
Gateway Community Action. 151 University Drive P.O. Box 367 West Liberty, KY 41472 (800) 927-1833
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Apr 1, 2024 · It is the home for the famous Ruth Hunt Candies Factory and the new Gateway Regional Arts Center. The county is found to be mostly flat. The means of transportation to work by residents is driving their car alone, rather than having the option to carpool with other commuters or take public transportation. The most common
Zero Income Form To Client: Have an individual who knows your situation well, does not live with you, and is not related to you complete this form to verify you have no income. To the Individual: Complete this form if you can certify the individual's income situation. I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that _____ _ has had or will have no income from any source during the ...
Education Assistance Services Include: - gatewaycaa.org
Gateway Community Action is a nonprofit, tax exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is a registered Non-Profit Organization in Kentucky. Donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
2. Prueba de ingresos del mes anterior de todo su grupo familiar (todos los miembros). 3. Su cuenta de calefacción más reciente, o un estado de cuenta de su arrendador si este gasto está incluido en su alquiler, o un
Commodities - gatewaycaa.org
Gateway distributes commodities in Bath, Menifee, Montgomery counties. If you would like to get signed up for the commodity program contact us at 1-800-927-1833. What is a Commodity Supplemental Food Program?