Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/RAM PCM Identification - VCM Suite 3.0+
Jan 12, 2015 · What ECM is in the 2015 Durango 3.6 Also, could you please send me the latest beta. Most likely a GPEC2A, but I don't know for sure yet because we haven't really dove into 2015 Models yet.
Ngc - baud rate: Timed out - HP Tuners Bulletin Board
Aug 12, 2020 · "3Note: Some PT Cruiser GT, Neon SRT-4, and early 2000s Dodge Ram/Dodge Durango applications use an NGC1 ecm which are not supported, verify what ecm your vehicle uses before ordering." How do we verify what ECM our vehicle uses? This 2003 appears to be a normal NGC3. The 2002 was probably an NGC1, but I'm not sure.
Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/RAM PCM Identification - VCM Suite 3.0
Apr 6, 2015 · Yes, you need to send in the ECM for unlocking. There is a post stickied in this forum with instructions for 2015 vehicles. Otherwise you will have no issues tuning the manual.
Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep/RAM PCM Identification - VCM Suite 3.0
Jan 10, 2022 · When the NGC was first introduced, it was referred to as NGC1; since that time it has had several version changes, including processor improvements. For example, NGC1 had only one 5V supply to feed all the three-wire sensors. • The NGC2 controller was introduced, without transmission control. This provided space
Can't read my 2019 Challenger - HP Tuners Bulletin Board
Jul 13, 2020 · 3Note: Some PT Cruiser GT and Neon SRT-4 applications use an NGC1 ecm which are not supported, verify what ecm your vehicle uses before ordering. 4Note: Mercedes equipped with MED17.7.2 or MED17.7.3 DO NOT require a PCM Modification.
2003 Ram 1500 5.9L gas - HP Tuners Bulletin Board
Oct 12, 2018 · Just wondering if HPtuners software is compatibale with this ECM, sorry couldnt find exact answer searching through forum. I tried to read file and im running into a Controller unlock: timed out message. ... Being a 2003 its probably NGC1 which is not supported. 10-12-2018 #3. FlyinRyan. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Tuner Join ...
SRT 4 03 PCM with 04-05 code? - HP Tuners Bulletin Board
Sep 29, 2015 · 03 use a NGC1 PCM while the 04-05 use a later updated NGC3 PCM. I'm pretty sure the hardware differences in the two pcms won't allow a "direct" flash, even with SCT.
Stellantis (Dodge) Tuning – HP Tuners
3 Note: Some PT Cruiser GT, Neon SRT-4, and early 2000s Dodge Ram/Dodge Durango applications use an NGC1 ecm which are not supported, verify what ecm your vehicle uses before ordering.
Neon SRT-4 Can read tune out of PCM, but can't write. Erase Failed
Jun 25, 2022 · Only the stock 2003 Srt-4 uses an early NGC1 PCM, which I do not believe works with HpT so that may be the issue. Stock 2004-2005 and all Mopar Performance PCMs are NG3.
Can no longer tune 03 SRT4 - HP Tuners Bulletin Board
Sep 13, 2023 · I tried to open my last written tune file a few days ago and got some checksum error. No big deal I thought, went out to car to just re read it, and now it tells me the car is not supported and has an NGC1 PCM, which is obviously not supported.