word study - Rhema versus Logos - Biblical Hermeneutics Stack …
Jan 15, 2020 · This is a good question and I have up-voted it. But one thing may not be immediately clear. The word ρημα rhema 'word' does not occur i I Timothy 3:16.You are …
How can I meditate on Scripture? - Institute in Basic Life Principles
The words of Scripture are living words. Meditation allows God’s Word to live in your heart and enables Scripture to become a personal conversation between you and the Lord. Jesus …
greek - What is the difference between "logos ( λόγος )" in 1 ...
The words (rhema) which Peter spoke are the message (logos) the people heard. Conclusion Like Exodus and Acts, both of the singular logos in Corinthians mean the entire word or message: …
word study - Difference between ῥῆμα Θεοῦ, vs., λόγον Θεοῦ
Jan 10, 2021 · Essentially, the word of God [Logos], in and of itself will have no ‘effect’, [or ‘life’] until your spirit ‘sees’ it. This is what revelation is/means. Revelation is when your spirit ‘sees’ …
word study - What is the logos in Heb 4:12? - Biblical …
Jan 10, 2021 · To repeat: Nowhere does the Bible refer to the Bible as the Rhema of God (life quickened word, utterance) or Logas of God (Order and meaning). Nowhere does the Bible …
Why is "christou" translated "God" in KJV Romans 10:17?
Aug 28, 2021 · The dispute is between the Word "Rhema" of God as translated in the KJV versus the Word "Rhema" of Christ. Rhema or ῥῆμα in Greek, literally means an "utterance" or "thing …
Applying the Character Quality of Faith - Institute in Basic Life ...
The second word is rhema; it can describe specific Scripture that the Holy Spirit gives us for personal application. When Jesus told Peter to cast the fishing nets on the other side of the …
Romans 10:17 - the absence of article means salvation comes by …
Jan 20, 2022 · Argument says because there is not article in greek - cannot be referring to written word - logos - Bible - hear the written word. So, absence of article means doesn't need to …
Isn't reason a better translation of the Logos of John 1 than Word?
Aug 25, 2023 · The Word/Reason which became flesh is the same Word/Reason which was in the beginning, which was with God, and which was God. In English, "the" Word is better at …
What issues effect how "rhema" is translated in Acts 10:37?
6 days ago · The operative noun in Act 10:37 is (as the OP points out) is ῥῆμα (rhema) which is always something spoken or declared. However, on a few occasions, it can refer to (according …