Forests of the United States - Wikipedia
Nearly ten million private individuals own about 422 million acres (1,710,000 km 2) of forest and other wooded land.
Forest and Woodland Area | U.S. Forests at a Glance
Forest and woodland area in the United States has plateaued at 823 million acres following decades of expansion. Forest land area alone occupies 766 million acres and supports 356 billion trees. Together, forest and woodlands comprise over one-third of the U.S.
FIA defines woodlands strictly along the lines of species com-position and associated forest types, and considers woodlands a subset of forest lands. The FIA recognizes nine woodland forest types: three softwood and six hardwood (table 1-1). To qualify. Table 1-1 Forest Inventory and Analysis forest types comprising the woodland forest subset.
Forest Atlas of the United States | US Forest Service Research and ...
The United States of America has a remarkable forest resource—more than 765 million acres of planted and natural forest land and an additional 58 million acres of woodlands. These lands provide clean water, clean air, wildlife and fish habitat, recreational opportunities, and for nearly four centuries have been the foundation for economic ...
Woodlands and Forestlands - Natural Resources Conservation Service
Woodlands and forestlands are composed of an overstory of tree canopy and an understory that is divided into shrub and forb layers. These plant communities occur in many diverse regions. They function as wildlife habitat, modulators of hydrologic flow, and protectors of soil.
Forest Atlas of - US Forest Service
The United States of America has impressive forests — more than 800 million acres of natural and planted forests and woodlands — providing clean water, clean air, wildlife and fish habitat, recreational opportunities, and resources for economic development.
National Forests Of The United States: Significance In Biodiversity ...
Apr 25, 2017 · These woodland areas are largely set aside to protect forest land and sources of water, as well as provide much needed lumber. Today, the US has 154 National Forests, encompassing 294,275 square miles.
Forests and Grasslands - US Forest Service
Managing lands and realty on the National Forest System helps the Forest Service enhance natural resource stewardship, provide visitor experiences, and improve access. Lands and realty programs authorize a variety of uses on those lands to meet the needs of the American people.
U.S. Woodland | Military Wiki | Fandom
It is a four color, high contrast disruptive pattern with irregular markings in green, brown, sand and black. It is also known unofficially by its colloquial moniker of " M81 ", [2][3] after the uniform it was used on, though this term was not officially used by the U.S. military.
US Woodland - Military Wiki | Fandom
Woodland Pattern was the default camouflage pattern issued to United States soldiers, Marines, airmen, and sailors from 1981, with the issue of the Battle Dress Uniform, until its replacement around 2006. [1] [2] [3] It was a four color, high contrast disruptive pattern with …
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